Understanding the causes of dandruff with D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS

Dandruff can be a source of annoyance for many people. If you are concerned, know that you are not an isolated case, quite the contrary! 

So yes, they are annoying from an aesthetic point of view, they are located in our hair, at the level of the scalp but also on the lengths, they fall on our shoulders and are particularly visible when the We wear dark colors.

Don't worry, we will support you in this fight ! In this article, you will discover what type of dandruff you are affected by and how to provide suitable and natural hair solutions and treatments by changing your habits.

pellicule cause

I. Understanding the causes of dandruff

A. The main causes

Generally speaking, dandruff is small white residue resulting from the accumulation of dead skin from the scalp. 

It is a natural regeneration process of skin cells. It is a cycle of 4 to 6 weeks generally at the end of which the scales are eliminated on the surface. 

Some people are not affected by this phenomenon simply because the cycle is not accelerated for them.

When the renewal of cells occurs too quickly, the dead cells no longer have time to be evacuated and they accumulate, finally becoming more and more numerous and form a cluster.

Femme brune de profil avec des cheveux

B. Connection to the scalp

Scalp peeling is caused by a natural fungus called Malassezia Globosa

When it breaks down the sebum in your scalp, an acid is secreted and some people tolerate it more easily than others. 

In the case of intolerance, dandruff appears because the scalp is irritated and enters a protection phase. It therefore accelerates the cycle by 1 to 2 weeks.

C. Oily dandruff

Oily dandruff is larger, more visible and tends to stay in the hair. They are more yellowish and are responsible for greater itching than dry dandruff.

Causes of oily dandruff

Oily dandruff forms mainly due to excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands of the scalp. This overproduction can be triggered by various factors such as stress, a diet high in fats and sugars, or hormonal imbalances. 

Excess sebum creates an environment conducive to the proliferation of yeasts like Malassezia, which irritate the scalp and accelerate skin cell turnover, leading to the formation of oily dandruff. 

In addition, the use of unsuitable or overly aggressive hair products can also disrupt the balance of the scalp, accentuating the production of sebum and the formation of dandruff.

D. Dry dandruff

dry dandruff is the most common, white in color, it generally appears in a dry scalp. They can be a source of itchy scalp.

Causes of dry dandruff

Dry dandruff is often caused by excessive dryness of the scalp. 

Several factors can contribute to this condition, including the use of harsh or unsuitable shampoos, which strip the scalp's natural protective oils. 

Environmental conditions such as cold and dry air in winter, or prolonged exposure to air conditioning or heating, can also dry out the scalp. 

In addition, internal factors such as stress, an unbalanced diet poor in essential fatty acids, or vitamin and mineral deficiencies can exacerbate dry scalp and promote the formation of dry dandruff. 

Finally, some people may have a genetic predisposition to dry scalp, making dry dandruff more likely.

E. Film plates

Causes of dandruff patches

Dandruff patches, also called seborrheic dermatoses, often appear as large particles that are visible and adhere to the scalp. 

These patches are usually caused by an excessive proliferation of the fungus Malassezia, which feeds on sebum. When the scalp produces too much sebum, it creates a favorable environment for this fungus, leading to irritation and increased flaking. 

Other factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances, and certain medical conditions such as psoriasis or eczema can also worsen the appearance of dandruff patches. 

Additionally, using harsh or unsuitable hair products can exacerbate this condition by disrupting the natural balance of the scalp. A holistic approach, including a balanced diet, stress management, and appropriate hair care, is essential to prevent and effectively treat dandruff patches.

Why do I suddenly have dandruff?

Dandruff can appear suddenly due to various factors such as hormonal changes, an unbalanced diet, or increased exposure to pollution and harsh hair products.

What deficiencies can cause dandruff?

A deficiency in B vitamins, zinc, and omega-3 can also contribute to the appearance of dandruff. A balanced diet is therefore essential to maintain a healthy scalp.

II. Natural solutions to combat the causes of dandruff

Dandruff is a common hair problem that can be bothersome and sometimes embarrassing. Fortunately, there are many solutions to control and reduce them. Here is an overview of the most effective methods to combat dandruff.

A. Choosing the right anti-dandruff shampoo

The market offers a variety of anti-dandruff shampoos designed to combat seborrheic dermatitis and other causes of dandruff. 

These shampoos often contain active ingredients such as pyrithione zinc, selenium sulfide, coal tar, or ketoconazole. It is recommended to use them regularly, according to the instructions, to maintain effectiveness.

Effects of stripping shampoos

Stripping shampoos can dry out the scalp and make dandruff worse. It is therefore preferable to opt for gentle and natural products that respect the balance of the scalp.

causes des pellicules

B. Use of natural remedies for dandruff

Several natural remedies can be effective in treating dandruff: Apple cider vinegar: It helps balance the pH of the scalp and reduce the growth of yeast and bacteria. Coconut oil: It moisturizes the scalp and fights the fungus responsible for many scalp infections. Lemon juice: Its natural antifungal properties can help manage dandruff.

C. Changes in hair care habits to combat dandruff

Excess styling products can contribute to dandruff buildup. Using fewer, gentler products can reduce this problem. In addition, it is advisable to wash your hair regularly, but not excessively, to avoid drying out the scalp.

Signs of hypersensitivity to hair products

Signs of hypersensitivity to hair products include itching, redness, and excessive flaking of the scalp. It is important to choose suitable products and monitor the reactions of the scalp.

D. Balanced diet to prevent dandruff

Diet plays a key role in the health of the skin, including that of the scalp. Ensuring adequate intake of B vitamins, zinc, omega-3 and probiotics can help improve scalp health and reduce dandruff.

Role of diet in the appearance of dandruff

A diet rich in essential nutrients helps maintain a healthy scalp and prevent the appearance of dandruff. Nutritional deficiencies can weaken the scalp and promote its development.

E. Consultation with a dermatologist to treat

If dandruff persists despite using anti-dandruff shampoos and home remedies, it may be helpful to consult a dermatologist. Your doctor may prescribe stronger treatments, like medicated shampoos or topical steroids, and check for other underlying conditions like psoriasis or eczema.

F. Stress management

Stress can make dandruff worse in some people. Stress reduction techniques like meditation, regular exercise, and good time management can help reduce symptoms.

Influence of stress on the appearance of dandruff

Stress can disrupt hormonal balance and weaken the immune system, which can contribute to the appearance of dandruff. Managing stress is therefore crucial to maintaining a healthy scalp.

Although dandruff can be frustrating, there are several strategies to manage it effectively. By combining appropriate care, specific treatments, and consulting a professional if necessary, it is possible to significantly reduce their presence and maintain a healthy scalp.

III. D-LAB food supplements suitable for dandruff

But this is not enough: it is important to act in depth.


Change your eating habits, vary your meals. A healthy and balanced diet will provide the nutrients necessary for the growth and proper development of your hair fiber. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

D-LAB hair food supplements

Then, thanks to a suitable hair food supplement, you will provide in sufficient quantity everything your hair fiber needs. 

At D-LAB, our nutritional supplements are 100% natural and very effective against various problems. 

They intervene with the deepest causes and rebalance our body. 

Our Microcirculation Detox is a formula that promotes the elimination of toxins accumulated in your body. 

It helps restart blood circulation and facilitate the delivery of essential nutrients to the heart of the bulb to prevent the appearance and development of dandruff. It also helps limit the sensations of an itchy scalp. To further stimulate blood circulation, you can massage your scalp. Unparalleled support for hair.


By providing all the constituents of the keratin that knits your hair fiber, your hair will be strengthened and more resistant. You can provide pure, natural keratin that is 94% assimilable by your body thanks to our Keratin Absolute. An innovative formula benefiting from a clinical study proving its effectiveness.


Clean, cruelty free, gluten-free and made in France, all of our formulas are composed of natural active ingredients extracted without chemical processes, and will become a true beauty ally to your hair routine. 

You will be able to fight against the most persistent problems and regain beautiful hair and a healthy scalp.



Impact of hormonal changes on the causes of dandruff

Hormonal changes can disrupt the balance of the scalp, increasing sebum production and promoting the appearance of dandruff.

How can an unbalanced lifestyle promote the appearance of dandruff?

An unbalanced lifestyle, including poor diet, stress, and lack of sleep, can weaken the scalp and promote the appearance of dandruff.

How do pollution and environmental aggressions affect the scalp and cause?

Pollution and environmental aggressions can irritate the scalp, cause an accumulation of toxins and sebum, and thus promote the appearance of dandruff.