The D-LAB secrets for having dense hair mass

Hair loss, fine hair, thinning areas? Discover how to gain hair mass with the Hair Mass program from the D-LAB hair food supplement range !

masse cheveux

I. Hair mass: hair life cycle and loss factors

We have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on our heads and the average hair lives for four years. When hair dies, it falls out and is replaced by growing hair follicles. New hair then grows at about 0.3 millimeters per day

Hair goes through three main phases: the anagen (growth) phase, the catagen (transition) phase, and the telogen (resting and shedding) phase. 

The growth phase can last from two to six years, and the length of each phase can vary between individuals.

We lose on average between fifty and one hundred hairs per day! Hair loss remains normal and natural as long as the number of hairs in the regrowth phase concerns approximately 85% of the hair. It is important to note that hair density can also be influenced by genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.

1. Factors contributing to hair mass loss

Several surrounding factors promote hair loss!

Hair loss does not only affect men. Certain nutritional deficiencies including lack of minerals, vitamins, trace elements or iron, taking certain medications , hormonal changes , genetics , a period of stress , or menopause , can cause hair loss in women.

fall is also the time when hair falls out more easily than the rest of the year. 

Seasonal variations often influence the life cycle of hair, leading to temporary but more marked loss during this period.

Some hair types are also finer than others, more fragile and prone to falling out more easily. Specific care and attention are often required for these hair types to minimize hair loss.

chute de cheveux saisonnière

2. I lost my hair density: causes and solutions

Loss of hair density can be due to several factors, including stress, dietary deficiencies, hormonal changes and genetics. 

To remedy this, it is essential to adopt a suitable hair routine, including food supplements, specific care and a balanced diet.

II. Prevention of hair loss and gain in density

1. The contribution of D-LAB food supplements

To strengthen your hair from the inside, prevent hair loss and gain hair mass, consider D-LAB food supplements. We advise you in particular:

  • The Masse-Capillaire program is a complete program that will target hair loss by regulating hormonal activity, reactivating hair growth and reoxygenating the scalp, all in a 100% clean formula with powerful extracts.

  • Microcirculation Detox to act directly on the scalp, purified, reoxygenated, and deeply nourished, this formula stimulates the hair bulb.

In addition to taking hair food supplement daily to gain hair mass, we advise you to use hair products adapted to your hair type: special volume, hair loss hair, brittle hair…

Gain density with D-LAB food supplements

D-LAB hair food supplements are formulated to target the internal causes of hair loss and promote hair growth. By regulating hormonal activity and reoxygenating the scalp, they help restore dense and voluminous hair.

2. Use of vegetable oils for quality care

Castor oil is excellent for fine hair, it is known to promote growth and make hair thicker and more voluminous and therefore gain hair mass!

Avocado oil, rich in vitamins and nutrients, makes hair stronger and healthier.

Olive oil, an oil with multiple benefits, will deeply hydrate and nourish the hair to make it more beautiful and silky.

For best results, apply the oils to your hair under a hot towel to open the scales and make them penetrate more easily! Leave on for minimum 30 minutes.

complément alimentaire  capillaire

Vegetable oils can also be combined to maximize their benefits. 

For example, a blend of castor oil and coconut oil can provide intense hydration and stimulate hair growth. 

By adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil, known for its stimulating properties, it is possible to further strengthen the effect of the treatment. 

Applying this mixture once a week can transform your hair in just a few months.

3. The benefit of cranial massages to stimulate the hair bulb

head massages are very relaxing and help relieve tension while stimulating hair growth. They activate micro-blood circulation which will help to oxygenate the scalp and will therefore provide essential nutrients for hair growth.

Just before shampooing, massaging your scalp will also activate and maximize the properties of your hair routine

To do this, simply apply light to firm pressure and make circular movements while holding your fingers still on your head.

Cranial massages can be performed with vegetable oils to benefit from their nourishing properties. For example, a few drops of jojoba oil or peppermint essential oil can be added to provide a cooling sensation and further stimulate blood circulation. Adopting this massage routine two to three times a week can significantly accelerate hair growth.

How to increase density using cranial massages?

Head massages stimulate blood circulation and promote the delivery of essential nutrients to hair follicles. By integrating this practice into your hair routine, it is possible to increase hair density naturally.

4. Diet for healthy hair

iron is an essential ally against hair loss. It is found in cereals, legumes (lentils, dried beans, chickpeas, etc.), seafood and red meat. To help the body better assimilate iron, an adequate intake of vitamin C is essential.

vitamin C is not only found in citrus fruits, you can find a very good source in parsley, chives, red and green peppers, broccoli, acerola!

For deeply nourished hair, it is important to include omega 3 in your plate, they are found in particular in flax seeds, in walnuts and in fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, tuna, etc.).

You will find omega 3 in our Absolute Omega 3 , D-LAB , enriched with Sacha Inchi oil .

In addition to the foods mentioned, it is also beneficial to include high-quality proteins in your diet. 

Proteins are the building blocks of hair, and a protein deficiency can lead to loss of hair density. Protein sources include eggs, chicken, fish, dairy and legumes. A balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, contributes to the overall health of the hair.

Have good density thanks to a balanced diet

A diet rich in essential nutrients like iron, vitamin C and omega 3 is crucial for maintaining thick, healthy hair. Incorporating these elements into your daily diet can significantly improve hair density.

III. Loss of density: causes and solutions

1. Understanding and acting on density loss

Loss of hair density can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and genetics. It is essential to understand these causes to be able to act effectively and regain dense hair. 

By identifying triggers specific to each individual, it becomes possible to implement personalized strategies that promote hair health.

2. Fall in women: specificities and solutions

Women may be particularly affected by hair loss due to hormonal factors, including menopause and periods of intense stress. 

Adopting a suitable hair routine and using specific food supplements can help prevent and treat loss of density. Regular scalp care as well as herbal treatments can also help strengthen hair.

How to prevent hair loss in women?

To prevent hair loss in women, it is recommended to adopt a balanced diet, manage stress and use suitable hair products. 

D-LAB dietary supplements can also play a crucial role in providing necessary nutrients for healthy hair. Additionally, the use of essential oils and relaxation techniques can help maintain a healthy scalp conducive to hair growth.

3. Falls in men: specificities and solutions

Men often face hair loss due to genetic and hormonal factors. Using specific products and adopting a suitable hair routine can help slow down the loss of density and promote regrowth. 

Mineral and vitamin treatments can also play a vital role in preventing hair loss in men.

4. What to do about loss of density?

Faced with loss of hair density, it is important to adopt a global approach including a balanced diet, appropriate hair care and the use of food supplements. 

D-LAB products are specially formulated to meet these needs and help restore dense, healthy hair. By integrating these solutions into a daily routine, it is possible to strengthen hair in a lasting way.

IV. How to reduce hair density?

Reducing hair density may be desired in certain cases, particularly for aesthetic or comfort reasons. 

This can be achieved by using specific hair products and adopting appropriate styling techniques. 

D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS offers products that can help achieve this goal naturally and without affecting hair health.

V. How to recover and regain hair density?

1. Recover density: D-LAB solutions

D-LAB solutions are designed to help recover hair density by targeting the internal causes of hair loss and promoting growth. 

D-LAB food supplements and hair care products are formulated with natural and effective ingredients for dense and healthy hair. Regular use of these products helps strengthen the hair fiber, stimulate the bulb and promote the growth of new hair.

How to recover hair density?

To recover hair density, it is essential to adopt a complete hair routine including food supplements, specific treatments and a balanced diet. 

D-LAB products are specially formulated to meet these needs and promote hair regrowth. It is also recommended to avoid abrasive hair treatments and to favor gentle care that is respectful of the scalp.

2. Regaining density: tips and tricks

Regaining hair density requires a comprehensive approach including appropriate hair care, a diet rich in essential nutrients and the use of food supplements. 

D-LAB products are designed to help achieve this goal by providing the nutrients necessary for healthy hair. For example, regular hydration and protein intake help to strengthen the structure of the hair and promote its density.

3. Reduction in density: understand and act

Understanding the causes of decreased hair density is crucial to being able to act effectively. 

Factors such as stress, nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances must be taken into account to take a holistic approach and regain dense hair. 

By becoming aware of these factors, it is possible to adapt your lifestyle and hair routine to prevent and reduce this reduction.

4. The role of D-LAB food supplements

D-LAB dietary supplements play a central role in the recovery and maintenance of hair density. 

Thanks to their exclusive formulas, they provide the body with the nutrients necessary to promote hair growth and strengthen its structure. Used regularly, they can help restore dense, healthy hair.

VI. Hair density in women: understanding and optimizing

1. How to naturally increase your hair density?

Hair density can be naturally improved by a balanced diet, the use of appropriate hair care products and effective stress management. D-LAB dietary supplements can also play a crucial role in providing necessary nutrients for healthy hair. Hormonal balance is also a key factor to consider, as it can influence hair density. D-LAB products are formulated to support these internal balances, providing a holistic solution to optimize hair density.

2. The role of hormones in hair density

Hormones play a significant role in hair health. Hormonal imbalances can often lead to hair density issues. D-LAB dietary supplements are designed to support hormonal balance, helping to optimize hair health.

To have healthy hair, taking care of your hair is essential ! You must therefore be careful not to expose it too often to a heat source (hair dryer and hair straightener) otherwise it will become even more fragile. Always use a serum or protective spray before applying a heat source and use hair care products as often as necessary! Don't forget to have a varied and balanced diet and to take D-LAB food supplements regularly.