Preparing your skin for the sun with D-LAB: Complete guide

Summer is here, and with it the return of the sun! This is the time when we want to bask in the sun and get some color! A radiant complexion, a golden tan and a healthy glow, we all dream of it! It is possible, but you will have to be vigilant because the skin is a particularly fragile organ, and it is essential to prepare your skin for the sun.

If the sun provides physical and moral well-being, it can also be dangerous.

By exposing yourself to UV rays, you run certain risks. In fact, each sunburn damages your sun capital and causes your skin to age. Not to mention the risk of allergies and cancers... To avoid these inconveniences, it is therefore essential to properly prepare your skin a few weeks before and during sun exposure.

In this article, follow our advice to properly prepare your skin for the sun and have a radiant tan!

Discover our solar food supplements !

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I. Understanding tanning

1. What is sun capital?

Sun capital is comparable to an energy reserve from which the body draws with each new exposure to the sun. It determines the skin's ability to maintain and protect its internal structures and its proper functioning against UV damage.

Variable depending on the individual, our sun capital is defined from birth and deteriorates over time, until exhaustion, more or less quickly depending on experience and behavior in the face of the sun. Hence the importance of properly preparing your skin for the sun.

Sunburns quickly consume this credit. According to recent studies, 80% of sun capital can be exhausted before the age of 16, so it is essential to protect it from childhood and adopt responsible behavior when it comes to the sun.

2. The mechanism of tanning

Tanning is the result of a natural defense mechanism. Faced with the sun, the skin naturally protects itself by two adaptations:

  • First by a thickening of the stratum corneum .

Keratinocytes, located on the surface of the epidermis, multiply in the face of UV rays from the sun and aim to create a protective barrier preventing them from penetrating deep into the layers of the epidermis.

  • Then by the production of melanin.

Melanocytes are the cells that produce melanin , the dark pigment responsible for skin color. Melanin's role is to absorb the sun's UV rays and neutralize free radicals. It protects and darkens the skin's color to ensure its protection. The more the body is exposed, the more melanin is used.

Tanning is therefore a kind of natural response to the aggression of the sun.

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The quality and quantity of melanin varies depending on skin type. Those who produce a lot of it ensure better protection against the harsh effects of the sun's rays: they tan more easily and are less sensitive to the effects of the sun. On the other hand, those who produce little will tend to be more sensitive to UV rays and likely to get sunburned more easily.

How to get a good tan

To tan well, it is essential to expose yourself to the sun gradually, avoiding the hottest hours of the day. Using sun protection adapted to your skin type and reapplying every two hours is also crucial. Finally, moisturizing your skin after each exposure helps prolong your tan and maintain healthy skin.

II. Understanding the harmful effects of the sun

The sun punctuates our biological cycles and intervenes in our psychological balance, sleep, mood, it strengthens our immune system, and it acts on the skin synthesis of vitamin D. 

However, if beauty is associated with a tan and the healthy glow effect provides physical and moral well-being, the sun can be dangerous.

1 - Sunburn

In the event of too much exposure, UVA and UVB will damage our skin and create solar erythema, more commonly called “sunburn”. This reaches its maximum intensity after approximately 24 hours. It is not a real burn but an inflammatory reaction of the cells. Indeed, UVB destroys our cells, which results in redness. Then the cells detach and we peel.

2 - Actinic aging

So-called “actinic” aging due to the sun is an aging that is different from chronological aging. The first difference is that it induces premature aging. UVA and UVB are responsible for the production of free radicals. These molecules initiate chain reactions that alter DNA, proteins and lipids.

In addition, aging due to the sun is completely unstructured: wrinkles appear in a completely anarchic manner. The wrinkles are deeper and more numerous, the skin quickly loses its elasticity. Pigment spots also appear.

3 - Pigment spots

Melanin is the body's defense against potential aggression from the sun: it filters and absorbs UV rays.

However, it is not enough to prevent the harmful effects of the sun such as the appearance of pigment spots which are due to localized hyperpigmentation of the skin. Pigment spots result from an irregular distribution of melanin which accumulates to form colored spots.

4 - Sun allergy

Sun allergy, also known as benign summer light bulb, appears as red, itchy rashes after exposure to the sun. It is often due to a reaction of the skin to UV rays. To prevent this allergy, it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure and to use suitable sunscreens.

5 - The impact of UV on the skin

UV rays have a direct impact on the skin, causing cellular damage and accelerating skin aging. UVB is responsible for sunburn, while UVA penetrates deeper and contributes to premature aging of the skin. Adequate sun protection is essential to minimize these harmful effects.

III. Prepare your skin for the sun

1 - Good practices

Before exposing yourself to the sun, here are some simple tips that will allow you to prepare your skin to protect it and optimize your tan.

2 - The ideal sun treatment

An ideal sun treatment begins approximately one month before exposure. It includes food supplements rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to strengthen the skin from the inside. This preparation helps reduce the risk of sunburn and obtain a uniform and long-lasting tan.

3 - Capsules for optimal preparation

Sunscreen capsules are a great option for preparing skin for the sun. They contain active ingredients that help protect the skin from UV rays and stimulate melanin production.

Which capsule to choose?

It is recommended to choose capsules containing carotenoids, vitamin E, selenium and plant extracts such as green tea or pomegranate. These ingredients are known for their antioxidant and protective properties.

4 - The best food supplement for ideal preparation

The best dietary supplement to prepare the skin for the sun is one that combines powerful antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals. It must also contain plant extracts known for their benefits on the skin.

Which food supplements are the most effective?

The most effective dietary supplements for preparing skin for the sun include those based on beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium. These ingredients help protect skin from UV damage and promote an even tan.

5 - Tanning preparation for light skin

Fair skin requires special attention before exposure to the sun. It is advisable to start with short and progressive exposures, to use high sun protection and to take specific food supplements to strengthen the skin.

6 - How to prepare when you have white skin?

For fair skin , it is crucial to follow a rigorous preparation routine. This includes using high-SPF sunscreens, moisturizing the skin daily, and taking antioxidant-rich supplements.

7 - How to prepare your body?

Preparing your body for the sun requires a balanced diet, rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, and optimal hydration. It is also recommended to exfoliate regularly to remove dead cells and promote an even tan.

8 - Steps to follow before leaving

Before leaving on vacation, it is important to follow a few key steps: exfoliate the skin, hydrate it deeply, start a course of food supplements and choose appropriate sun protection. These steps help prepare the skin and minimize the risk of sun damage.

9 - Which vitamin promotes preparation?

Vitamin A is particularly beneficial for preparing the skin for the sun. It promotes melanin production and helps maintain healthy skin. Vitamins C and E are also important for their antioxidant properties.

IV. Sensitive skin and sun: In & out tips

1 - Exfoliate and moisturize the skin

This is the first step to take before tanning! The drier the epidermis, the more porous it becomes, it is therefore necessary to moisturize your skin well because otherwise, it is more sensitive to the sun's attack.

Exfoliate weekly to rid the skin of dead cells accumulated on its surface. 

Opt for a gentle exfoliation on sensitive areas such as the face and neckline. 

Your skin texture will be refined and this weekly routine guarantees ultra-soft skin and a long-lasting tan.

After exfoliation, it is essential to hydrate your skin properly to promote the regeneration of damaged skin cells and create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin to combat external attacks such as UV rays and free radicals. 

Apply a moisturizer adapted to your skin type daily.

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Why is it important to exfoliate before sun exposure?

Exfoliating the skin before sun exposure helps eliminate dead cells and prepares the skin to receive the sun's rays evenly. This promotes an even and long-lasting tan.

How to maintain optimal hydration during exposure?

To maintain optimal hydration during sun exposure, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, use moisturizing creams after each swim and favor after-sun products enriched with moisturizing agents.

2 - Protect your skin before and after exposure

To preserve your sun capital, get into the habit of using sunscreen or sun oil to protect your skin and avoid sunburn. The sun is aggressive everywhere, not just at the beach. It is absolutely essential to protect your skin from UV rays and free radicals using sun creams with an SPF index of at least 30 to 50. 

Finally, don't forget to take care of your skin after your exposure with after-sun care, which will allow you to hydrate, soothe your skin, and prolong your tan.

3 - Add some color to your plate

One of the simplest things you can do to prepare your skin for the sun is to eat a balanced diet and have colorful dishes. From May onwards, choose seasonal fruits and vegetables full of color. The more colorful the fruits and vegetables, the more they are rich in antioxidants. This allows you to refuel:

  • D’antioxidants, to create a protective barrier and repair dead skin cells. In this way, it is not only the skin that is protected from oxidative stress, but also the entire body.
  • The vitamins to deeply hydrate the skin and fight against skin aging by reducing oxidative stress.
  • D’essential fatty acids which promote healing, suppleness and tone of the skin. They reduce allergic and inflammatory reactions, prevent skin aging and improve skin hydration.
  • From the beta-carotene to activate tanning, found in carrots, tomatoes, oranges, apricots and green vegetables.

4 - Take food supplements

Rich in vitamins, minerals and plant extracts, food supplements provide our body with what it lacks to fight more effectively against the sun's attacks.

They are particularly recommended for fair and sensitive skin to reduce the risk of sunburn. You can start your treatment in May or 1 month before going on vacation.

V. The Total Radiance Duo: tanning and protection

This unique and complete duo combines a tanning, protective and soothing action, to enjoy the benefits of the sun while protecting yourself from harmful UV rays. Formulated for sensitive skin, L’Éclat-Total activates and magnifies the tan thanks to plant extracts rich in carotenoids. It also preserves the skin from photo-vaging thanks to powerful antioxidants whose effectiveness is clinically proven.

1 - Activates tanning naturally

THE Active Sun Complex allows you to have a beautiful golden complexion while avoiding overexposure to the sun. This innovative 100% natural formula acts in three stages: it naturally pigments the skin thanks to carotenoids, it activates and prolongs the tan and protects the skin from damage caused by the sun's rays.

  • Apricot and carrot plant extracts are naturally rich in carotenoids and thus promote a natural tan.
  • Astaxanthin and beta-carotene, precursors of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for good skin health, it participates in the renewal of skin cells and promotes skin coloring during tanning.
  • Copper contributes to the production of melanin and promotes optimal pigmentation of the skin.

2 - Protects the skin from photo-aging

THE Soothed Skin Complex is designed to calm and soothe sensitive and reactive skin. It contains powerful natural active ingredients to combat skin damage caused by the sun's UV rays.

This formula contains SOD (SuperOxydeDismutase) from the pulp of Melon de Provence. This active ingredient has patented antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Its antioxidant power is 37 times more concentrated than pure melon. It reduces cytotoxicity induced by UV rays and protects the skin from skin damage caused by the sun. Its effectiveness is proven by clinical study.

THE Active Sun Complex contains a powerful pomegranate extract patented and scientifically tested for its anti-aging effects on the skin. This extract is very rich in punicalagin polyphenols (titrated at 30%), it helps regenerate skin cells, tighten the skin texture and prevent the formation of wrinkles. Pomegranate also helps significantly reduce hyperpigmentation and brown spots linked to overexposure to the sun.

In vitro tests have proven the effectiveness of our ingredient in protecting the skin against UV rays. Our pomegranate extract has demonstrated:

  • Protecting tissues against oxidative damage caused by UVB
  • Increased production of pro-collagen and hyaluronic acid
  • Regeneration of oxidized cells after exposure to UVB

3 - What are the benefits of natural active ingredients in the preparation?

The natural active ingredients present in D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS food supplements, such as carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidants, offer numerous benefits for preparing the skin for the sun. They help protect the skin from UV damage, promote an even and long-lasting tan, and contribute to the regeneration of skin cells.