How to have beautiful nails naturally?

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What if the secret to perfect nails isn't found at the beautician's but rather on your plate?

Soft, brittle, ridged or split nails, nails are weakened daily by physical and chemical attacks: cold, water, chemicals, shocks, varnish, false nails, etc.

Likewise, the condition of our nails can say a lot about our health. A change in the appearance, texture or shape of the nails usually indicates nutrient deficiencies.

At D-LAB, we have developed the Perfect Nail Complex, a 100% natural food supplement that contains all the essential nutrients for perfect nails.

Discover in this article how to take care of your nails, from the inside, and without going through the manicure box!

I. Deciphering the structure of the nail

It is made up of 90% rigid keratin, much stronger than that of other skin appendages (hair). Keratin is a protein, belonging to the fibrous protein family, made up of sulfur-containing amino acids, including methionine and cystine.

This protein constitutes the material making up the translucent and hard part of the nails. It ensures their solidity, their protection, their growth and their impermeability. Keratin proteins are made by cells in our body from certain vitamins, amino acids, minerals (calcium, selenium, zinc) that we consume.

The nail also contains small amounts of water, fatty acids, calcium (the main mineral constituent of the nail) and iron.

The primary role of the nail is a passive role, as a defense against external attacks. Nails protect the back of the fingers and toes from pressure, shock, and temperature variations.

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The nail also has roles in cooperation with the skin:

  • The nail makes the skin on the tip of the finger harder by exerting counter pressure on the pulpy part. This makes it easier and more efficient to pick up small objects.
  • They also play a role in the sensitivity of our sense of touch, due to the intensity of the innervation and vascularization of the nail bed.

Today, nails also have an aesthetic role, serving as a support for varnish, in particular.

II. Signs of deficiencies revealed by our nails

A poor diet can have bad consequences on the nails. A change in the appearance, texture or shape of the nails usually indicates nutrient deficiencies. In addition, some of our daily actions, the use of household products, or manicure techniques, further weaken and damage the nails.

Detecting soft nails

Soft nails are generally flexible and bend easily. They are due to demineralization of the nail and a protein deficiency. A deficiency of sulfur, vitamin B, and calcium can also be responsible.

Having your hands in water for too long, when washing dishes for example, or washing your hands too often are some causes of soft nails. Indeed, some household products are highly harmful to nail health, so it is necessary to avoid direct contact. So remember to equip yourself with gloves.

Understanding the origins of brittle nails

Nails sometimes tend to break or split slightly on the side. This is due to skin dryness and keratin damage caused by frequent contact with water and detergents. Brittle nails can also be a sign of a vitamin, calcium or iron deficiency.

If the nails are brittle, it is best not to cut them. Instead, use a cardboard nail file to gently even out the surface. It is absolutely necessary to ban metal files which damage the keratin and further weaken the nails.

The factors of split nails

Nails split when the layers of keratin separate. They are sometimes a sign of a vitamin and mineral deficiency.

But most often, this problem arises as a result of poor nail filing technique. Using a nail buffer can prevent splitting and flaking. Biting your nails (onychophagia) is also a risk factor for splitting your nails. Applying an anti-gnaw varnish is the best solution to get rid of this bad habit.

Analyzing Ridged Nails

Streaks on the nails are, in a way, wrinkles. They are caused by aging nails and are sometimes due to a deficiency of selenium, iodine, iron and vitamin B. Hormonal or stress problems can be associated with them.

Some manicure products and techniques can have harmful effects on nails. For example, excessive use of a sander can soften the nail and lead to scratches. If the nails are damaged and streaked, you should avoid overly aggressive manicure products. 

For example, choose gentle nail polish removers, without acetone, to avoid drying out your nails and making the situation worse when you remove your nail polish.

III. Obtain strong nails thanks to a balanced diet

Our daily diet is decisive for the appearance of our nails. To have beautiful nails, it is necessary to have a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Thus, certain nutrients promote the growth and health of nails. As part of a balanced diet, they contribute to their beauty.

Cosmetic products such as nail polish hardeners can be helpful from an aesthetic point of view, but cannot treat the cause. It is then essential to treat the problem internally, particularly through our diet, favoring ingredients enriched for the health and beauty of our nails.

Foods that are good for nails

  • Proteins: 

Made up of amino acids such as methionine and cysteine, they are necessary for the formation of keratin, which naturally strengthens nails. They are provided by fish, eggs, meats, whole grains, legumes and dairy products.

  • Vitamins: 

vitamin A helps strengthen nails. It is particularly concentrated in certain foods of animal origin such as fish and dairy products.

vitamin B2 or riboflavin is one of the essential vitamins our body needs. It is linked to the production of keratin, a major constituent of hair and nails. Vitamin B2 is most abundant in animal products, and particularly in organ meats, meat and dairy products.

Likewise, vitamin B9 (folate), is important for the growth and health of nails by contributing to the formation of red blood cells and the development of new cells. Folate deficiency can cause the pigment in the nails to change and make them stiff and brittle. Vitamin B9 is found in dark green vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds and avocados.

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  • Minerals and trace elements:

Zinc helps stimulate the production of proteins, including keratin and collagen. Zinc is found in seafood, fish, eggs or red meat, while copper is present in wheat, oats or soy.

iron maintains the strength of the nails, it is essential to ensure optimal growth. An iron deficiency can in fact cause a change in the shape of the nails and their appearance. Meat, fish, eggs and pulses are foods rich in iron.

  • Antioxidants:

The antioxidant compounds (vitamin E, vitamin C and flavonoids) present in abundance in fruits and vegetables contribute to better resistance of the nails to external aggressions: sun, tobacco, pollution.

IV. How to have beautiful nails, our advice

Tip for attractive nails

To naturally beautify the nails, it is recommended to moisturize them regularly with vegetable oils such as castor oil or argan oil. These oils nourish and strengthen nails while promoting their growth.

Finding attractive nails after biting them

To regain attractive nails after biting them, it is essential to stop this habit. Applying a bitter polish can help stop nail biting. Then, it is important to hydrate them and nourish them with specific creams to promote their regeneration.

The Secrets to Bright White Nails

To have white and shiny nails, it is recommended to regularly soak them in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. This natural remedy helps remove stains and whiten nails.

Recommendations for attractive fingernails

To have beautiful fingernails, it is important to protect them from external aggressions by wearing gloves when doing household chores. In addition, it is advisable to moisturize them daily with a nourishing cream to prevent them from becoming dry and brittle.

Special care for toenails

To have beautiful toenails, it is essential to trim them regularly and file them to avoid ingrown toenails. Applying a specific moisturizing cream for the feet helps keep the skin and nails healthy.

Get long and strong nails

To have long and strong nails, it is recommended to strengthen them with food supplements rich in biotin and keratin. In addition, it is important to protect them from shocks and chemicals by using gloves during household chores.

Maintain beautiful nails even without polish

To have beautiful nails without varnish, it is essential to maintain them regularly by filing and polishing them. Applying a nourishing oil helps moisturize and strengthen them naturally.

To have pretty nails, it is important to take care of them by moisturizing them regularly and protecting them from external aggressions. The use of specific dietary supplements can also help strengthen and beautify nails.

V. Explore the D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS Perfect Nail Complex: the global solution

How Perfect Nail Complex contributes to beautiful nails

D-LAB's mission is to take care of your beauty assets, from head to toe, and to the tips of your nails!

That is why we have developed an exclusive and 100% natural formula for nail beauty. The Perfect Nail Complex nourishes the nail from the inside and provides the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the formation of keratin and the health of the nail.

This formula works at 360°:

  • Strengthens soft, brittle, grooved or split nails: 

It contains methionine, cystine and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane), the essential active ingredients for the constitution of keratin.

It also contains nettle, which helps strengthen weakened nails. Its aerial part is rich in numerous active ingredients (vitamins and minerals) which consolidate the nails to make them stronger and less brittle.

The Perfect Nails Complex is rich in vitamin B9, effective in cases of soft and brittle nails, and in vitamin C, essential for the production of collagen, a protein which constitutes the basic element of nails .

  • Maintains the beauty and health of nails 

Zinc stimulates healthy growth and renewal of nails, while selenium and vitamin B2 help protect cells from oxidative stress and maintain healthy nails.

This formula also contains iron, an essential trace element for beautiful and healthy nails.

See the formula in video