Why do we need dietary supplements?

compléments alimentaires

Our body uses what we ingest as fuel. A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy body and cannot be matched by dietary supplements.


However, today it is difficult to find all the necessary nutrients there. Intensive agriculture, irrigation or the massive use of pesticides deplete crop soils and consequently, foods also lose nutrients. Add to this our highly processed modern diet and cooking methods which influence the nutrient content.


Due to our new lifestyles and consumption patterns, our body requires an enormous amount of essential nutrients. Such a quantity cannot be distributed through food, even with a strict and optimal diet.

Food supplements make it possible to compensate for the most effective deficiencies and meet additional needs. Whether you are healthy or not, there are a number of nutritional supplements that almost everyone can benefit from. We explain everything to you in this article!

Our body's daily needs

To function properly and stay healthy, the body needs to receive all essential nutrients. These energy needs are covered by the foods we eat. They contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning of our body.


Nutrients are all food substances that the body absorbs and uses to function. Food becomes nutrients through the action of digestive juices. They are distributed across the intestinal barrier and transported into the bloodstream to nourish the entire body.

Nutrients are divided into two categories: macronutrients and micronutrients.


  • The macronutrientsare proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. They constitute the majority of foods.


carbohydratesand lipidsare mainly energetic in nature, constituting the "fuel", while proteinsare the basic material that makes up the physical structure of the body. They allow cells and tissues to maintain their organization in space. The best known are collagen and keratin.


  • micronutrientsare present in very small amounts in foods. They do not provide energy, but are necessary for cells to function. They contain more than a hundred vitamins and minerals.


Vitaminsare nutrients necessary for the body, which the body cannot synthesize or which it produces in insufficient quantities. It is therefore essential to have a vitamin intake.

Minerals are classified into two categories: so-called “major” mineralssuch as calcium, potassium or sodium, and trace elementssuch as iron, zinc , copper or selenium. They are present in very small quantities but nevertheless very important. They contribute to skeleton building, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, digestion and immunity.

A diet depleted of nutrients

It's a fact: our foods are on average 5 times poorer in nutrients than 50 years ago! Yet essential to life, scientists reveal the gradual disappearance of vitamins and minerals in food. Globalization and our modern food system have progressively altered the way we produce, grow, distribute and consume food.


  • Intensive agriculture and the quest for ever greater yield

With globalization, farmers must respond to increasing demand. Fertilization, irrigation, and the massive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers cause a decrease in minerals in cultivated plants.


Farmers also use genetically modified plants. Cultivated foods appear larger, prettier and more resilient but they are depleted in nutrients. This is called the dilution effect.


Our fruits and vegetables have become particularly poor in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Several studies carried out on the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables improved that over a period of 51 years, broccoli lost 80% in copper and 75% in calcium, while potatoes lost 45% in iron and 35% in calcium.


  • Soil depletion

Modern agricultural techniques impact soil quality. Or, the soil plays a fundamental role in crop nutrition. Composed of air, water, organic and mineral matter, soil nourishes crops and influences the quantity of nutrients present in food.


Today, soils are becoming poorer and foods are also losing their nutrients. This phenomenon tends to grow over time because of our practices.



In 100 years, European soils have lost 72% of their mineral content.



  • Harvesting before maturity

With globalization and the growth of exports, food travels around the world. Food travels on average 2,500 kilometers before being consumed.


To arrive fresh on supermarket shelves, fruits and vegetables are very often picked before maturity. This means that the food was not able to complete its maturation process properly. They have not had sufficient time to absorb nutrients from the soil or to develop sunlight-related nutrients such as anthocyanins (natural food pigments) or polyphenols (antioxidants).


Thus, our modern diet no longer meets the nutritional needs that the body needs. This is why supplementation can be beneficial to cover micronutrient deficiencies.

An environment that has become harmful to our body

In addition to a nutrient-depleted diet, our environment has also become harmful to our body. Today, residents of more than 90% of cities around the world breathe polluted air. And the problem has continued to grow in recent years.

The pollution of our daily environment impacts our body and influences our health, our morale, and even our aesthetics.

For example, air pollution is toxic to cardiovascular and respiratory health and causes mood disorders, stress and anxiety. From an aesthetic point of view, pollution causes premature aging of skin and hair cells. It thus promotes hair loss, dull complexion and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Today, despite policies aimed at reducing pollution, we are constantly exposed to harmful substances attacking our organs, our cells, and even our DNA! Thus, our body must redouble its effort to defend itself. Its needs for nutrients, and particularly antioxidants, are therefore greater to limit oxidative damage caused by pollution.

Thus, our modern diet no longer meets the nutritional needs that the body needs.

To stay healthy, even with a varied and balanced diet, the use of nutritional supplementation can be very beneficial to protect and detoxify the body.

Because of our nutrient-depleted diet and daily external aggressions, our body is content to live at 60% of its real potential.

Dietary supplements are beneficial for everyone

Recognized as natural health products, food supplements help restore the physiological balance of the body to increase its potential. Today, more than half of French people consume food supplements.

A food supplement is neither a food nor a medicine. As its name suggests, a food supplement is not intended to replace a regular diet. Also called a “nutritional supplement”, its primary role is to complete our diet, which is today, as we have seen, greatly depleted in nutrients.

For this, it provides the body with a nutritional gain, which depends on its composition. These may include vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, amino acids, fatty acids and other active ingredients. All this, in addition to those present in food.

Supplements, as well as foods, therefore play a fundamental role. They are concerned with both our physical and mental health. Their effects also affect our stress level or our emotional well-being and also our aesthetics.

The food supplement is often specific to certain situations, periods of life, beauty objectives or pathologies:


  • Energy : 

Dietary supplements can provide nutritional support to energize the body and reduce physical and mental fatigue.

Our Active Energy Complex boosts physical and cognitive performance with vitamin C and extracts of hibiscus, guarana and ginseng. Its formula also contains an extract of eleutherococcus, an adaptogenic plant that increases cognitive performance and contributes to more mental and physical energy.

  • Stress and sleep :

Food supplements can help combat stress and sleep disorders.


Our Magnesium Absolute combines in its formula a patented liposomal magnesium, a marine magnesium, vitamins of group B and D, to reduce fatigue, combat stress and improve sleep.

  • Beauty of the skin :

Nutritional supplements can thus improve the quality of the skin thanks to purifying, antioxidant, nourishing, hydrating, soothing, plumping active ingredients, etc.


For example, our Clear Skin Complex concentrates ultra-targeted active ingredients such as stinging nettle, burdock and rosemary extracts, to regulate sebum production and cleanse the tissues of blemish-prone skin.


Our Grape Absolute contains natural ingredients titrated in polyphenols, the most powerful antioxidants, to protect cells from oxidative stress and help slow down skin aging.


Our Collagen Absolute is made with natural type I collagen and elastin, to promote visibly firmer and more elastic skin.


  • Hair : 

Food supplements can provide the nutrients necessary for good hair health.


Our Hair Nutrition Duo revitalizes and strengthens the hair fiber thanks to two complementary formulas.


Keratin Absolute contains natural keratin of excellent quality proven highly bioavailable by clinical study. It is directly assimilated by the body.


The Growth Complex contains all the micronutrients that make up keratin: sulfur amino acids, B vitamins and minerals. Its active ingredients nourish the hair bulb in depth to promote growth.

  • Detox:

Food supplements are particularly effective in detoxifying the body thanks to active ingredients supporting hepatic drainage.


Liver Detox is a concentrate of purifying herbal medicine which stimulates the elimination of toxins, fights against heavy metals and provides lasting protection for the liver, the body's filtering organ.


Food supplements can promote weight loss thanks to ingredients that stimulate the body's energy expenditure, commonly called "fat burners".


The Fat Burner Program contains 30 natural active ingredients to trigger lasting weight loss thanks to 3 formulas which offer in synergy:


  • The Metabolism Activator helps increase caloric expenditure to burn more fat at rest.
  • The Active Energy Complex promotes the burning of sugars and fats, and helps reduce the feeling of hunger, to initiate lasting weight loss.
  • The Slimming Detox stimulates the elimination systems and cleanses the filter organs to improve their detoxifying power.

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