How to prepare your body for stopping the pill?

Femme arrêt de la pilule, D-LAB Détox Post-Pilule

Stopping the pill is often a bad experience because it leads to significant hormonal disruption which impacts the woman's health and well-being.

Premenstrual pain , irregular cycles, acne breakouts, headaches, mood swings , etc. The symptoms that appear after stopping synthetic hormones are the body's way of showing that it needs help!

To prepare your body for stopping the pill, it is necessary to adapt your lifestyle, that is to say, adjust all of the choices and practices that you we do every day and which impact our health.

In this article, we give 5 tips for stopping the pill with complete peace of mind.

Also discover our articleon hormonal rebalancing after stopping the pill and alternative contraceptive methods.

I - Adopt a balanced diet after stopping the pill

Stopping the pill is a key moment during which the body will have specific needs in order to regain its balance.

  • Reduce the toxic load: limit industrial and processed products as much as possible (prepared meals, cold meats, etc.), food additives, and all foods rich in processed sugars and fatty acids.

  • Eat enough: when you stop taking the pill, the body needs significant resources to regain its hormonal balance. It is important to eat enough, in a varied and structured way (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) to provide all the elements that the body needs on a daily basis.

In addition to these dietary adjustments, it is crucial to favor foods rich in essential nutrients. Leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts and seeds provide essential vitamins and minerals to support the hormonal system and metabolism.

Antioxidants also play a vital role in protecting cells from oxidative damage. They are found abundantly in berries, citrus fruits, and colorful vegetables. A diet rich in fiber, particularly from legumes and whole grains, helps regulate digestion and maintain a healthy intestinal microbiome, which is essential for proper nutrient assimilation.

It is also advisable to limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, which can disrupt the hormonal system and dehydrate the body. Instead, opt for herbal infusions, such as chamomile or peppermint, which promote relaxation and general well-being.

Finally, hydration is essential. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps flush out toxins and supports all bodily functions, including restoring hormonal balance.

Discover our e-book:

“How to better support our body before and after stopping the pill”

D-LAB E-book après l

II - Prepare your skin 

The skin reacts to the different hormones of the female cycle. When the emunctory organs are saturated, toxins are eliminated through the skin, causing blemishes, acne and excess sebum.

To avoid an acne breakout after the pill, set up a routine adapted to your skin type. It is crucial to cleanse the skin deeply without damaging it, using gentle and balancing products.

Ban conventional cosmetics based on mineral oil, preservatives, synthetic perfumes or chemical UV filters which can influence your natural hormonal balance. Choose gentle and natural care products.

To strengthen the skin's natural defenses, opt for treatments enriched with antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, which help protect the skin against external aggressions and free radicals. Think about hydration, which is essential to keep the skin barrier intact. Choose moisturizers made with natural ingredients like aloe vera or jojoba oil.

Finally, don't forget to exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead cells and promote cell renewal. Favor gentle exfoliants based on natural enzymes.

III - Taking care of your liver 

The liver plays a key role in the post-pill transition.

Indeed, in the body, the liver helps filter, neutralize and eliminate toxins and synthetic molecules of which the hormones in the pill are a part.

The liver is often the organ most affected over the years of taking the pill. All the toxins contained in the pill will overload the liver, which is often already overloaded by all other sources of toxins (food, pollution, cosmetics, etc.)

When stopping the pill, the hormonal system is unbalanced and the liver is more overworked. It is therefore important to gently support the liver to assist it in its work.

To do this, several actions can be taken to facilitate the regeneration and proper functioning of the liver:

  • Drinking lots of water will allow the liver and the entire waste elimination system to properly eliminate toxins.

  • Foods rich in chlorophyll (dark green vegetables) participate in cell regeneration, and foods containing sulfur (cabbage, broccoli, etc.) help eliminate toxins and limit hormonal excess.

  • Include detoxifying herbs and plants such as milk thistle, artichoke and dandelion in your diet. These plants are known for their beneficial properties on the liver, helping to regenerate its cells and improve the digestion of fats.

  • Reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine, which can overload and irritate the liver. Favor natural drinks such as herbal infusions, which support the detoxification process.

  • Adopt a diet rich in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, in order to optimize intestinal transit and facilitate the elimination of waste.

  • Practice regular physical activity to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, thus facilitating the work of the liver and the elimination of toxins through perspiration.

A healthy liver is essential to restore the general balance of the body. Furthermore, it is advisable to consult a health professional before starting any new detoxification routine, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions.

Among natural solutions, food supplements can also play a key role. Specific formulas, such as Post-Pill Detox , have been developed to support and protect the liver, while providing essential nutrients for effective detoxification.

IV - Do sports to sweat! 

Sweating is a way that the body uses to eliminate waste and toxins that clog the liver.

Indeed, the skin is an emunctory organ that uses both sebaceous glands and sweat glands to eliminate toxins.

Through regular physical activity, we will seek to stimulate blood circulation, lymphatic circulation and, moreover, the elimination of toxins.

The choice of physical activity is essential. Endurance sports such as running, cycling or swimming are particularly recommended. They allow greater sweating, thus promoting the elimination of toxins.

But sport is also an opportunity to take a moment for yourself, to disconnect and free your mind. This aspect is all the more important during a hormonal change such as stopping the pill, which can be a source of stress and anxiety.

It is also important to remember that hydration is an essential part of any sports routine. Drinking plenty of water before, during and after exercise helps to compensate for the loss of fluids due to sweating and ensures good hydration of the body, thus promoting better elimination of toxins.

Also don't forget to wear suitable clothing for good sweating. Choose natural materials such as cotton or bamboo, which allow the skin to breathe and facilitate the evacuation of sweat.

V - Stopping the pill: Holistic food supplements

Composed of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and plant extracts, food supplements are a natural and effective way to rebalance the body after stopping the pill. They act directly at the heart of cells and provide the micronutrients necessary to reduce post-pill symptoms.

To help women calmly stop taking hormonal contraception, D-LAB has developed Post-Pill Detox , a 100% vegan formula that supports the female hormonal system as well as the excretory organs involved in the detoxification process, to prepare the body for stopping the pill and thus avoid related symptoms.

1 - Restore hormonal balance 

The Post-Pill Detox helps restore hormonal balance in order to relieve the symptoms linked to stopping the pill: premenstrual pain, irregular cycles, headaches, mood disorders, etc. .

  • Vitamin B6 regulates hormonal activity by allowing the maintenance of normal levels of estrogen and progesterone. It acts on symptoms such as anxiety, irritability and premenstrual nervous tension.
  • Evening primrose oil, composed of gamma-linolenic and linoleic acids, helps regulate the hormonal system, maintain optimum comfort during periods and helps fight menstrual pain and flushing of heat.
  • Rose centifolia supports the function of the sexual organs and helps maintain a comfortable menstrual cycle.

2 - Preserve skin health 

Post-Pill Detox contains herbal medicine, vitamins and minerals essential for good skin health to avoid these common skin problems and post-pill skin sensitivity.

  • Zinc is a trace element essential to the skin and beneficial in reducing imperfections. It helps regulate sebum production and thus avoids clogging pores and allows the skin to breathe. Zinc also promotes the regeneration of skin cells and fights against the effects of cellular aging.
  • Lodhra has astringent properties that are effective against acne. It helps maintain healthy skin and improves complexion.

3 - Detoxify the body 

Post-Pill Detox protects and supports liver health to promote elimination and purification of the body.

  • Milk Thistle contains silymarin, an ultra-effective hepatoprotective active ingredient. It deeply purifies the body, eliminates toxins present in the liver and promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Burdock is a depurative plant known to promote the elimination of toxins and the purification of the blood.

It is also important to: 

4 - Strengthen the immune system

In addition to restoring hormonal balance, preserving skin health and detoxifying the body, it is crucial to strengthen the immune system during this transition period.

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells against oxidative stress and supports the immune system.
  • Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. It helps strengthen the immune system and fight infections.
  • Echinacea is a plant traditionally used to strengthen the body's natural defenses and prevent respiratory infections.

5 - Promote digestive health

Good digestive health is essential for efficient nutrient absorption and overall well-being.

  • Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, promoting optimal digestion and a strong immune system.
  • Fiber, found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, is essential for healthy digestion. It helps regulate intestinal transit and prevent constipation.
  • Aloe vera is known for its soothing and restorative properties on the digestive system, helping to reduce inflammation and promote digestion.

6 - Improve mental and emotional well-being

Hormonal fluctuations can have a significant impact on mental and emotional well-being. Certain dietary supplements can help stabilize mood and reduce stress.

  • Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps reduce stress, improve mood and promote restful sleep.
  • Omega-3, found in fish oil and flaxseed, is essential for brain health and can help reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Rhodiola is an adaptogenic plant that helps increase the body's resistance to stress and improve mood.

7 - Support reproductive health

For women wishing to preserve their reproductive health after stopping the pill, certain supplements may be beneficial.

  • Maca is a Peruvian plant known for its beneficial properties on fertility and libido. It helps balance hormones and improve reproductive health.
  • Chasteberry, also known as vitex agnus-castus, is used to regulate menstrual cycles and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Folate, the natural form of vitamin B9, is essential for reproductive health and fetal development during pregnancy.

“I am delighted with this collaboration with D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS. It’s one of the first brands I worked with on social media. And this collaboration transformed into co-creation, by women for women. We decided to create together a cure for all those who decide to stop taking the contraceptive pill or any hormonal contraception. We wanted to tell them “here is a product for you, there are people here who understand you in your decision to switch to something more natural for your body. Our goal is not to tell women what they should do with their bodies and their contraception, it is to tell those who decide to stop that a food supplement for them has now been created. »

Amal Tahir, coach, writer and self-love content creator ✨

D-Lab, compléments alimentaires  Détox Post-Pilule collaboration

VII - Consequences of this change

1 - Effects of this process

The process of stopping the pill can have a variety of effects on the body. Women may experience changes in their menstrual cycle, hormonal fluctuations, and changes in their skin. They may also experience an increase in libido as natural hormones return to normal.

Effects can include premenstrual pain, headaches, mood swings, and acne breakouts. These symptoms are temporary and can be reduced with a healthy lifestyle and appropriate dietary supplements. It is also possible to experience breast pain and bloating, signs that the body is trying to regain its natural balance.

Hormonal fluctuations can also have psychological effects, such as mood swings, anxiety or depression. It is important to take care of your mental health during this transition period. It is recommended to practice relaxation activities such as yoga or meditation to manage stress and emotions.

2 - Rules after this turning point

After stopping the pill, periods may become irregular for a while. The body needs time to regain its natural hormonal balance. Some women can return to a regular cycle quickly, while others may take several months to stabilize their menstrual cycle.

3 - Influence on weight

Stopping the pill may cause weight changes. Some women may gain weight, while others may lose weight. A balanced diet and regular physical activity can help maintain a stable weight. It is also advisable to monitor your sugar and salt intake to avoid water retention.

4 - Impact on fertility

After stopping the pill, fertility may be temporarily affected. Some women can conceive quickly, while for others it may take longer. It is essential to monitor your cycle and consult a health professional for personalized advice on family planning.

5 - Positive effects of this decision

Stopping the pill can also have positive effects, such as better understanding your natural menstrual cycle, reducing the risks of taking hormonal contraceptives, and improving overall health. Some women may notice an improvement in their libido and a feeling of general well-being.

6 - Long term benefits

The long-term benefits of stopping the pill include a better understanding of your body and its natural cycle, as well as a reduction in the risks associated with hormonal contraceptives. In the long term, it can also promote better reproductive health and increased awareness of one's body's needs.

7 - Role of social support

Support from those around you plays a crucial role when stopping the pill. Having open discussions with friends, family or support groups can help share experiences and advice. This emotional support can be decisive in getting through this transition period peacefully.

8 - Importance of education and information

It is crucial to be well informed about the effects of stopping the pill to better manage the changes. Resources like e-books, scientific articles and consultations with experts can provide valuable information. Understanding the body's mechanisms allows you to approach this stage with more serenity.

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Frequently asked questions

How does the body react when stopping the pill?

The body responds to stopping the pill by trying to regain its natural hormonal balance. This can lead to temporary symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, skin changes, and mood fluctuations.

How to manage this transition well?

To properly manage stopping the pill, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle, support your liver, take care of your skin and engage in regular physical activity. Dietary supplements can also help alleviate symptoms.

When do the side effects go away?

The side effects of stopping the pill usually disappear after a few months, once the body has returned to its natural hormonal balance. However, the duration may vary from woman to woman.

What are the most common symptoms after stopping the pill?

The most common symptoms include changes in the menstrual cycle, increased premenstrual pain, acne breakouts, and mood swings. These manifestations are often temporary and linked to the body's readjustment to its natural hormonal functions.

How to support your body during this transition?

To support your body, it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients. Hydration also plays a key role in helping eliminate toxins. Dietary supplements, like those offered by D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, can provide additional support by providing vitamins and minerals needed to restore hormonal balance and promote better overall health.

Should I consult a health professional?

It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before making important decisions regarding your health. A doctor or nutritionist can provide personalized advice and help choose the right dietary supplements for your specific needs. They can also monitor the transition and provide support if any symptoms persist or are concerning.

What are the long-term benefits of this decision?

In the long term, this decision can lead to a better understanding and management of one's natural menstrual cycle, reduce the risks associated with prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives, and improve overall health. Some women also report an improvement in their mental and physical well-being after this transition.