Ventre Plat & Microbiote

Płaski brzuch i mikroflora

Nasz żołądek, nasz drugi mózg
Aby pozbyć się tłuszczu z brzucha, należy najpierw rozróżnić brzuch wzdęty od brzucha otłuszczonego. Wzdęcia są zwykle spowodowane niewłaściwą dietą, brakiem równowagi hormonalnej lub mikrobiomu lub stresem. Stymulując równowagę neurohormonalną i mikroflorę, możemy trwale zmniejszyć obwód talii. Nadmiar tłuszczu na brzuchu wynika głównie ze złej diety lub dziedzicznych predyspozycji. Nasze formuły spalą następnie te tłuszcze i zapobiegną ich ponownemu osadzeniu.

programme ventre plat
Płaski brzuch

Un programme ciblé sur “le ventre, notre 2ème cerveau”. Il rééquilibre le système digestif pour réduire durablement le tour de taille et régule l'équilibre hormonal et le stress pour enclencher la perte de poids tout en évitant le stockage des graisses.

Cena promocyjnaOd 68,00€
Etude clinique
pro collagène digestion
Trawienie pro-kolagenu

Intestinal well-being

Cette formule 100% d'origine naturelle et dont l'efficacité est prouvée par étude clinique, facilite la digestion et permet de limiter les inconforts intestinaux grâce à l’association de prébiotiques et probiotiques. Le Pro-Collagène Digestion soutient et renforce la muqueuse protectrice pour une assimilation optimale des nutriments, la régulation du transit et l'amélioration du bien-être global.

Cena promocyjnaOd 39,00€
détox ventre plat
Detoks płaskiego brzucha

Digestion & Elimination

Cena promocyjnaOd 26,00€
absolu probiopure
Absolutny probiopur

Balance of intestinal flora

Cena promocyjnaOd 24,00€
absolu de nopal
Absolut Nopala

Fat capture

Cena promocyjnaOd 24,00€
complexe minceur enzymatique
Enzymatyczny kompleks wyszczuplający

Digestion & Slimming

Cena promocyjnaOd 26,80€
Remise exceptionnelle
Complexe Coupe faim
Kompleks tłumiący apetyt

Regulates appetite and accelerates fat loss

Cena regularna39,00€ Cena promocyjnaOd 31,20€

Swollen belly and bloating

Causes of a swollen belly

A bloated belly can be caused by a variety of factors, including excessive consumption of high-fat foods, carbonated drinks, as well as certain digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome. A poor diet can also lead to overproduction of gas in the gut, causing bloating and a feeling of a bloated stomach.

Stress can also affect digestion and contribute to a bloated belly. D-LAB dietary supplements, specially formulated to achieve a flat stomach, can help balance the intestinal microbiota and improve digestion, helping to reduce bloating and achieve a flat stomach.

Bloating: Causes and Solutions

Bloating is often a sign of labored digestion, an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota or excessive consumption of fermentable foods. 


Food supplements for a flat stomach and a balanced microbiota

THE flat stomach and microbiota food supplements have become essential allies for those wishing to obtain a slimmer silhouette while supporting their intestinal health. These food supplements act on detoxification, digestion and regulation of intestinal transit, thus contributing to overall well-being.

THE D-LAB food supplements are formulated with high quality natural ingredients, selected for their effectiveness on the flat stomach and the balance of the microbiota. They participate in the detoxification of the body and promote optimal digestion. By supporting the intestinal microbiota, they also help to strengthen the immune system and overall well-being.


What is the intestinal microbiota?

The intestinal microbiota is made up of billions of microorganisms living in our intestines. These bacteria play a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption and strengthening the immune system. A balanced microbiota is essential for maintaining good digestive and overall health.


The link between the intestinal microbiota and a flat stomach

How can they help achieve a flat stomach while supporting the intestinal microbiota?

Food supplements targeting the microbiota and the flat stomach often contain probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes. These ingredients help balance intestinal flora, reduce bloating and improve digestion, thus promoting a slimmer silhouette and a flat stomach.


How they improve digestion

Food supplements for a flat stomach contain digestive enzymes that help break down food, thereby improving nutrient absorption. They also help to regulate intestinal transit and prevent digestive discomfort or a bloated stomach. 


The benefits of probiotics for the intestinal flora

The importance of probiotics for a flat stomach

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help maintain the balance of intestinal flora, by increasing the good bacteria and reducing the bad ones. By promoting optimal digestion and reducing inflammation, they help achieve a flat stomach.


How can flat stomach and microbiota food supplements reduce bloating?

Key Ingredients to Reduce Bloating

What are the key ingredients to look for for a flat stomach and a balanced microbiota?

Ingredients such as soluble fiber, digestive enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics are essential. Fiber helps regulate intestinal transit, while digestive enzymes facilitate digestion and probiotics balance the intestinal flora.