How to adopt a fresh diet,

healthy and varied?

A good diet plays an essential role in our health. It reduces the risk of developing certain diseases and thus increases life expectancy. The more we vary and diversify our diet, the more we are sure to provide our body with everything it needs to be in good shape for longer!

Indeed, food provides the energy necessary for the proper functioning of our cells and allows the harmonious development of our body. This is why it is essential to watch what you eat, both in terms of quality and quantity.

In this article, find out how to adopt a healthy diet every day for your physical and mental well-being!

1 - A balanced and varied diet

This is the key to a healthy diet! It is recommended to eat everything in reasonable quantities . No food group should be excluded, at the risk of creating deficiencies and cravings. Add carbohydrates, fats and proteins, fiber and a whole range of vitamins and minerals to your meals. To achieve this, plan for each meal a starter, a main course and a dessert. This will allow you to vary the pleasures and distribute the nutritional intake that your body needs.

Control your salt, sugar and fat intake as well as possible.

Prefer oils and quality oily or oleaginous fish. Vary the sources of protein (meat, eggs, fish) and preferably consume products from organic farming.

Limit sugary and processed products and favor raw unprocessed foods by reducing industrialized and refined products, which are hyper toxic and pro-inflammatory for the body.

2 - Eat seasonal and local

It is important to favor seasonal fruits and vegetables for their taste, but also to reduce our ecological impact.

Consuming in season means taking advantage of all the nutritional benefits to meet our body's needs. In winter, our body calls for more nutrients and vitamin C. So much the better, because seasonal vegetables (leeks, cabbage, spinach) are rich in minerals, and citrus fruits (mandarins, grapefruit, clementines) are full of vitamin C!

In summer, our body uses less energy but requires more water. Thus, all seasonal fruits and vegetables are full of them: tomatoes, zucchini, watermelons, melon, etc.

It is preferable to favor short and local circuits in order to reduce the environmental impact (transport, freezing, use of chemicals, etc.)

3 - Eat in reasonable quantity

A good balanced diet involves eating in reasonable quantities . Overweight problems are largely due to the size of food portions.

To adjust your food portions, you can reduce portions of high-calorie foods (eg starchy foods and meat) and replace them with a nutritious, low-calorie food, such as a vegetable.

Think twice before using yourself again. Take the time to savor each bite! Mindful eating is an effective technique for learning to rediscover the flavors of food, while reducing the proportions of food absorbed during a meal. It is also important to eat calmly, chewing food well and listening to signals of hunger and satiety.

If you're still hungry, have a second serving of vegetables or salad instead.

Similarly, dietary rebalancing , but without nutrient deficiencies, could in the long term help prevent certain cancers and increase longevity. In addition, it limits oxidation and prevents clogging .

4 - Avoid eating between meals

It is recommended to consume 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and a snack for those who feel the need.

Avoiding snacking helps to ensure the proper functioning of our biological rhythm . This helps regulate blood sugar and overall metabolism to prevent fatigue and sudden cravings.

5 - Prefer gentle cooking

To preserve all the benefits of food, it is preferable to cook at low temperature below 100°C because the high temperature distorts the properties of food.

Avoid grilling because this type of cooking results in the appearance of hydrocarbons, a toxic carcinogenic compound. The microwave should also be avoided because it distorts the chemical form of food.