énergie, stress, fatigue

energie, stress, vermoeidheid

Een daling van de immuniteit, een verandering van seizoen of zelfs stress veroorzaken een daling van de energie en de immuunafweer. Omdat alles in het lichaam met elkaar verbonden is, is het belangrijk om het lichaam te helpen omgaan met wintervirussen en bacteriën door, door middel van voedingssupplementen, de 4 invloedrijke systemen van het lichaam te stimuleren: het immuunsysteem, energie, depollutie en balans van de microbiota.

Programme Charge-Mentale

Stimulates body and mind

Ce programme complet associe 27 actifs reconnus pour stimuler et apaiser le système nerveux, hormonal et immunitaire. Ensemble, ils réduisent durablement l’anxiété et la fatigue, augmentent la résistance du corps face aux différentes formes de stress, favorisent un sommeil réparateur et éliminent les toxines responsables de la diminution des performances physiques et mentales.

Etude clinique
pro collagène digestion

Intestinal well-being

Cette formule 100% d'origine naturelle et dont l'efficacité est prouvée par étude clinique, facilite la digestion et permet de limiter les inconforts intestinaux grâce à l’association de prébiotiques et probiotiques. Le Pro-Collagène Digestion soutient et renforce la muqueuse protectrice pour une assimilation optimale des nutriments, la régulation du transit et l'amélioration du bien-être global.

cure détox foie

Decontamination & Heavy Metals

activateur de métabolisme

Activates cellular energy

absolu de zinc
Zink Absoluut

Improves skin & hair quality

complément alimentaire magnésium
Magnesium Absoluut


Programme Immunité

Protects and defends the body on a daily basis

activateur d'équilibre

Anti-aging precursor and Glycation

complexe énergie active
Actief energiecomplex

Physical performance

Complexe Lâcher Prise

Relaxation & Serenity


Reduce stress and fatigue

In our modern society, stress and fatigue have become daily companions for many of us. Chronic stress can take a toll on our overall well-being, affecting not only our mental health, but also our inner and outer beauty. THE food supplements stress play a crucial role in the management of these states, by providing the nutrients necessary to rebalance the body and promote relaxation.


Stress management through the use of stress and fatigue food supplements

The role of these formulas

Anti-stress food supplement formulas aim to regulate mood, improve sleep quality, and strengthen resistance to stress. They are designed to provide natural and lasting relief, by acting on the root causes of stress rather than the symptoms alone.

Key natural ingredients

Natural ingredients such as magnesium, B vitamins, saffron, ginseng, rhodiola and omega-3 fatty acids are essential in the composition of anti-stress food supplements. Each of these plays a specific role in reducing stress and improving overall well-being:

  • Magnesium helps relax muscles and calm the nervous system.
  • B vitamins are crucial for healthy brain function and mood regulation.
  • Saffron has antidepressant and anxiolytic properties.
  • Ginseng and rhodiola are known for their adaptogenic effects, to help the body better resist stress.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids support brain health and reduce inflammation.


The mechanisms of action of specific formulas

Food supplement to reduce stress

These supplements work by regulating levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increasing the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which promote relaxation and well-being.

The antioxidants in these formulas fight free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress and protecting cells from premature aging.

Dietary supplement fatigue

Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, these supplements boost energy and reduce fatigue, helping to regain optimal vitality.

Anxiety food supplement

Ingredients like saffron and rhodiola work directly on brain receptors to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

Memory food supplement

Omega-3 and B vitamins play a crucial role in improving memory and cognitive functions, which are often affected by stress.

Food supplement for sleep

Special sleep formulas contain elements such as melatonin which regulate sleep cycles, thus improving the quality of rest.


Integration of anti-stress formulas into a daily beauty and well-being routine

The benefits of formulas for beauty and health

Anti-stress dietary supplements contribute to brighter skin, stronger hair and better overall health by reducing the negative effects of stress on the body.


Choosing a suitable anti-stress formula

Advice for women in general

Women, especially between 25 and 45 years old, are prone to stress and can benefit from formulas rich in magnesium, B vitamins and omega-3, which are particularly effective in managing stress and improving general well-being and easing the mental burden. .

Tips for men

Men can also benefit from anti-stress food supplements. Formulas containing magnesium, B vitamins, and adaptogens like ginseng and rhodiola are particularly beneficial for reducing stress and improving mental and physical performance.