Sensitive skin in winter: what are the natural solutions?

Sensitive skin in winter:

what are the natural solutions?

During the winter, skin that reacts to the slightest aggression can quickly become uncomfortable. Redness, tightness, tingling, skin dryness... Sensitive skin will never become normal skin, but with appropriate care , it will learn to react less. Follow our advice to spend the winter in style.

What is sensitive and reactive skin?

Sensitive skin is not a skin type like oily skin, combination skin or dry skin. It can affect all skin types , at any age. Sensitive skin is skin whose immune system is not functioning properly. This phenomenon is often hereditary .

Indeed, unlike healthy epidermis, which prevents any foreign substance from entering the body, sensitive skin has a lack of natural defenses and an alteration of its "barrier" function at the level of the hydrolipidic film , which promotes penetration of irritating factors.

Faced with external aggressions, the skin is not sufficiently protected and becomes more permeable, which leads to skin pathologies : redness, rosacea, dilation of vessels, tingling, itching, pimples. In winter , it suffers all the more, and its redness is accentuated due to thermal variations. These symptoms also concern reactive skin but their cause is not genetic.

So-called “reactive” skin is rather linked to emotionality or thermal shock. The symptoms of reactive skin are temporary and can be localized (on the cheeks for example). Conversely, sensitive skin concerns the entire epidermis and the symptoms are chronic.

Sensitive and reactive skin needs to be soothed and softened to regain its comfort.

Factors leading to skin reactions in sensitive skin

  • The stress

Highly emotional people often have sensitive skin. We know that the epidermis is closely related to the brain and the nervous system. In response to stress, a series of events (hormonal or not) have an impact on the organs. The skin is not spared, and it reacts, too.

  • Climatic variations

Sensitive skin reacts to external factors that should not disturb it. Cold, heat, humidity or, on the contrary, very dry environments reduce its tolerance threshold. The sun, and in particular UV rays, alter the protective film of the skin. Exposed to oxidative stress and micro-inflammations, it causes irritation, redness and discomfort to appear.

  • Pollutants

Exhaust gases or cigarette smoke are harmful factors for all skin types, especially sensitive ones. Ozone and carbon dioxide are very irritating to the skin. These pollutants promote the state of oxidative stress, alter the hydrolipidic film and cause inflammation. People whose skin is rather dry or sensitive, it aggravates feelings of tightness, burning, itching, and accentuates redness.

  • Unsuitable cosmetic products

The use of one or more cosmetics can make the skin sensitive or reactive, due to the presence of harmful ingredients. It can be sulphates, endocrine disruptors or even preservatives that are too aggressive for the skin, and often used on a daily basis.

What are the right steps to take?

  • Adapt your skincare routine

To soothe facial redness, the first rule is to adopt products suitable for sensitive skin. Prefer very gentle toiletries such as cleansing milks rinsed with thermal water or specific micellar lotions . Softer than conventional make-up removers or those that rinse off with water, these cleansers help preserve the hydrolipidic film of the skin.

Apply soothing, anti-redness, fragrance-free and hypoallergenic creams . To cope with the cold, choose richer and thicker moisturizers. Rich in fatty acids and ceramides, these treatments create a barrier against climatic aggressions and protect the skin. These treatments must be chosen according to your skin type.

In case of irritation, use SOS balms with a cocooning texture which immediately repairs sensitized skin. If the redness of the face is very marked, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist for the prescription of appropriate care.

  • Adopt a nutritious diet

For skin to be comfortable, it needs water but also lipids, in other words fat. Opt for a nourishing diet to maintain optimal hydration. Do not neglect, on your plate, foods rich in essential fatty acids, the famous omega-3 .

Consume foods such as oily fish, nuts, and oils rich in omega-3 such as flaxseed, walnut or rapeseed oil. When the skin does not contain enough good fats, water can be lost through the barrier, causing dehydration of the skin. Indeed, the skin needs these fatty acids to ensure the tightness of the epidermis. It is therefore very important, especially for sensitive skin.

The main enemy of the skin, which is also responsible for redness, is dehydration. It is therefore essential to drink in sufficient quantity throughout the day. Stay hydrated by ideally drinking 1.5 liters a day . The feeling of thirst is less evident in winter than in summer, yet our body needs water just as much.

  • Food supplements for targeted action

Skin reactions (redness, itching, pimples, etc.) are induced by various chemical signals within our body via the nervous, hormonal or immune systems.

The consumption of food supplements is a natural and effective solution to relieve sensitive and reactive skin because it allows targeted action on the internal causes of skin reactions.

At D-LAB, we have developed a unique complex for sensitive and reactive skin. The Soothed Skin Complex acts in depth to significantly reduce the inflammation that causes dermatological problems, calm redness, repair the skin and provide it with complete antioxidant protection.

Formulated with zinc, copper, hemp oil, and plant extracts, this complex of highly dosed and bioavailable active ingredients has been designed to calm, soothe, hydrate and protect sensitive and reactive skin.

The Soothed Skin Complex also contains SOD (SuperOxide Dismutase) from melon de Provence , a patented and clinically tested antioxidant to prevent the formation of free radicals, reduce inflammation and soothe the skin.

SOD is a primary antioxidant, ie it is naturally produced by the body. Unlike secondary antioxidants, primary antioxidants have high catalytic properties and are involved in the elimination of millions of free radicals.

Free radical-induced oxidative stress and the inflammatory reaction are closely linked. It is scientifically proven that our SOD active ingredient is able to stimulate the body's antioxidant defense system, thus reducing inflammation.

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