Jules & Julie

Jules & Julie

Sensual green tea



Payment in 2 or 3 times without fees from 50€.


  • Dosage

Awakens the senses and brings tone and vigour

Increases sexual desire

Increases libido

Stimulates metabolism and the mind

A sensual 100% ORGANIC green tea for everyone, from the youngest to the most experienced, from tea connoisseurs to tender neophytes.

Pour boiling or cold water over the sachet and leave to infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

Any time of day or 30 minutes before lovemaking.

As long as you like!

No side effects, no contraindications.

Titrated and concentrated assets

Cruelty free

Gluten Free

Active Ingredients

Green tea

Awakens the senses and brings tone and vigour


A powerful tonic, it helps fight fatigue


Increases sexual desire and combats mood swings


Stimulates metabolism and the mind


Increases libido and helps reduce fatigue

Black pepper

With its invigorating properties, it boosts pleasure

Its results

Its results

For anyone who wants to boost their energy levels.

For those who want to boost their natural defences¹.

For tea connoisseurs and tender neophytes alike

¹ Ginger helps maintain natural defenses.

Our customers talk about it

About D-LAB

To guarantee eco-friendly formulas, D-LAB has chosen to package its products with vegetable envelopes and source its ingredients from French Greentech: a company that provides cruelty-free, non-irradiated, non GMO, nano-particles free, and preservative-free raw ingredients. #MIAM


