Pigment spots: how to reduce them and prevent their appearance with food supplements

Pigment spots: how to reduce them and prevent their appearance thanks to food supplements?

how to reduce pigment spots

Pigmentation spots, also called brown spots, affect about 80% of women, regardless of their skin type and age. A pigment spot usually forms on the face, neck, décolleté and hands. Most often this phenomenon of hyperpigmentation is completely benign but for aesthetic reasons many of us want to see them disappear.

Thanks to food supplements, it is possible to prevent and naturally reduce these pigment spots and find a uniform and radiant complexion!

What is a pigment spot?

Pigmentation spots are the consequence of hyperpigmentation characterized by uneven pigmentation of the skin. It is a common skin condition caused by an overproduction of melanin by our cells, called melanocytes.

Melanin is the natural pigment that colors our skin, hair and body hair. It acts as a natural sunscreen that protects our skin from harmful UV rays. Brown age spots are more common on fair skin and are generally located on the areas most exposed to the sun: the face, the neckline, the back of the hands.

The mechanism of melanogenesis (melanin synthesis) is based on a succession of biochemical reactions. Melanin is produced from an amino acid: tyrosine. Tyrosine and its by-products are oxidized by different enzymes including tyrosinase which controls the first steps of the mechanism. Melanin accumulates within the cells up to the surface of the epidermis.

The greater this activity, the greater the quantity of melanin produced and the darker the skin. Many factors can lead to an increase in the amount of melanin produced by the skin.

What are the causes of pigment spots?

Hyperpigmentation is a physiological mechanism that can occur due to different factors. Depending on its phenotype, that is to say the complexion of the skin and its color, brown spots can be more or less dark. For example, black, matte and mixed skin being naturally more pigmented and more concentrated in melanin than white Caucasian or Asian skin, pigment spots tend to be darker and take longer to fade. What are the factors causing dark spots?

  • Overexposure to the sun:

In the event of too much exposure to the sun, the melanocytes produce melanin in an anarchic way. It accumulates in the form of small localized clusters and leads to the appearance of brown spots, especially on fair skin on the face, neckline and hands.

overexposure to the sun
  • Acne and irritative dermatitis of the skin:

Following a local inflammation of the skin such as an acne pimple, an eczema plaque or psoriasis, an excessive production of melanin can occur during healing. Dark spots called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can then settle on the skin. These spots generally fade over time but are more frequent, more visible and take longer to disappear on matte and black skin, which is very rich in melanin. If the pimple has been crushed, scratched or pressed, the spot may be more marked, larger and take longer to disappear.

  • Small wounds, cuts, burns:

During the healing process of a wound, the production of melanin naturally increases. The regenerated skin cells are darker and become temporarily discolored.

  • Aesthetic procedures (chemical peeling, dermabrasion, laser treatment):

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and spots can occur after aggressive skin cosmetic procedures and during the healing process.

  • Skin aging :

With age, the number of melanin-producing melanocytes decreases, but the size of the remaining cells increases. It involves uneven skin pigmentation.

This natural physiological phenomenon accelerates around the age of 40, hence the increase in the number of age spots.

  • Hormonal variations :

Female hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, lead to an overproduction of melanin, especially when the skin is exposed to the sun.

Hormonal variations upset the hormonal balance and the skin's ability to regenerate.

In pregnant women, it is common to see the appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation on the face, known as melasma or "pregnancy mask". Apart from pregnancy, hyperpigmentation can also occur in women taking hormonal contraceptives, but also during menopause.

How to prevent and treat pigment spots naturally with food supplements?

how to prevent and treat pigment spots naturally

Remember that you should never try to whiten a stain or your skin, but only lighten it and unify the complexion. Indeed, the prolonged use of depigmenting and whitening treatments causes significant damage that is difficult to treat, such as brown spots, white spots and uneven skin tone.

Even when the spots are installed, it is possible to fade them effectively naturally thanks to food supplements.

Composed of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and plant extracts, food supplements act directly at the heart of the cells to slow down the process of hyperpigmentation at the origin of brown spots. Thanks to targeted active ingredients, they reduce dark spots and lighten the complexion naturally.

At D-LAB, we have developed dietary supplements that target the main causes of pigment spots: skin inflammation, melanogenesis and oxidative stress.

  • The Luminous Skin Complex contains 7 natural and innovative active ingredients, which unify and revive the complexion, preserve the tissues from skin aging and reduce brown spots.
  • The Baby Skin Duo is designed for sensitive and reactive skin. The Luminous Skin Complex reduces pigment spots and revives the radiance of the complexion, while the Soothed Skin Complex reduces skin inflammation and protects the skin from external aggressions.
  • The Eclat-Total Duo combines a tanning, protective and soothing action, to enjoy the benefits of the sun while protecting against harmful UV rays. The Active Sun Complex naturally stimulates and accelerates tanning, while the Soothed Skin Complex protects the skin from photo-aging and prevents the appearance of dark spots.

With food supplements, it is possible to act simultaneously on several biological levers in order to obtain visible and lasting results.

A soothing anti-inflammatory action to calm the mechanisms of inflammation, often at the origin of the first spots.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a type of skin hyperpigmentation that is mainly triggered by the way the skin regenerates after inflammation when an area of ​​the skin is weakened and stressed,

The Soothed Skin Complex contains highly dosed, bioavailable active ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Roman chamomile flower extract, 4 times more concentrated in active ingredients than the dry plant, reduces redness and soothes itching sensations.
  • Turmeric, a natural anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant, relieves skin inflammation and redness.
  • Hemp oil with anti-inflammatory properties, is known to calm redness and soothe the skin.
  • SOD also helps protect the skin from inflammation by acting at the heart of the cells. Derived from melon de Provence, is known to protect the skin from external aggressions, in particular UV rays. Patented primary antioxidant, it is 37 times more concentrated than pure melon.

An action on melanogenesis, the mechanism responsible for skin pigmentation.

It is possible to reduce the appearance of dark spots by controlling melanogenesis, the mechanism responsible for the production of melanin that causes hyperpigmentation.

The Luminous Skin Complex contains an innovative concentrate of Landes maritime pine OPC , an active ingredient certified by numerous clinical studies for its action on the radiance and uniformity of the complexion and its antioxidant properties. Studies carried out in recent years indicate that OPCs (Oligo-ProCyanides) are capable of inhibiting inflammatory reactions and pigmentary disorders.

An action on the microcirculation to promote oxygenation and the elimination of toxins.

To ensure the best possible nutrition for the skin, it is essential to stimulate the skin's microcirculation. Improving circulation also allows better assimilation of active ingredients, especially those that regulate melanogenesis.

  • The Luminous Skin Complex contains a camu-camu extract, titrated in native vitamin C, known to promote microcirculation and skin radiance.
  • The Soothed Skin Complex contains an extract of Centella Asiatica 10 times more concentrated than the dry plant, known to improve healing and promote skin regeneration.

An antioxidant action that protects cells from harmful free radicals that maintain hyperpigmentation.

Excessive exposure to UV rays can induce premature aging of tissues. Indeed, oxidative stress can result from the harmful effects of the sun. Thus, weakened cells can cause the formation of new tasks or the intensification of existing tasks. Thus, D-LAB has selected active ingredients with high antioxidant potential.

The Luminous Skin Complex and the Active Sun Complex contain a pomegranate extract titrated to 30% in punicalagins and 47% in polyphenols, two families of super-powerful antioxidants. This patented active protects the skin from skin ageing.

In vitro tests have proven the effectiveness of our ingredient for the protection of the skin against UV rays. Our pomegranate extract has demonstrated:

  • Protection of tissues against oxidative damage caused by UVB¹

  • Increased production of pro-collagen and hyaluronic acid¹

  • Regeneration of oxidized cells after exposure to UVB²