I am little
This is what I heard when I started to imagine D-LAB fifteen years ago. This is what one can say to a young, lonely, inexperienced woman when she ventures into a sector as specialized as it is in its infancy.
D-LAB was my first professional project, yes. And justly. This virginity, instead of serving me, saved me a lot of time.
Because I had good student syndrome, and no bad reflexes. Because my energy was not only intact, but immense.
And it took me to be true to my vision. To learn everything. Knock on every door, ask questions, listen, build the finest expertise possible. And composing a team convinced, like me, that “attacking” the industry was not reserved for the big, the strong, the hardened.
We were supposed, maybe, to be afraid. Except that the industry, me, never frightened me.
On the contrary, it has always made me want to. Because it engenders, because it gives life. A faculty as powerful and natural at the head of a factory as of a family.
This desire to manufacture, to create, to do and to do well. This gesture that engages my hands, my guts, my name.
This evidence to endorse and embody my vision, body and soul.
It is the same for me as a woman, mother, lover, entrepreneur. Everything proceeds from the same vital and instinctive impetus.
It is this founding impetus that has carried us and enabled us to build, stone by stone, our know-how in nutri-cosmetics. By collecting information and encounters, following a hundred different leads to select a single asset, controlling and verifying everything, at every step. By not trusting anyone. By becoming sole masters of our destiny. With our plants, our machines, our factory.
If D-LAB is a pioneering and singular brand, it is also because I was this small and lonely woman.
And that I intend to stay that way.
Fleur Philippeau
Founder of the D-LAB Group