Doses of Mental Clarity

Doses of Mental Clarity

in the process of reformulation

11,84€ 14,80€


Duration 30% immediate discount on 3 boxes for optimum results!

  • 7 days

  • 3 x 7 days

Payment in 2 or 3 times without fees from 50€.


  • Dosage

Improves emotional balance

Fights against nervous tension

Boosts concentration

Reduces mental fatigue

7 days to radically change your state of mind and take a step back in complicated times. This 100% ORGANIC formula is made up of 3 plant extracts known to restore the body's tone and vitality and compensate for physical and intellectual fatigue. The ideal way to start afresh and refocus on yourself!

1 packet per day for 7 days for a boost effect. To be diluted in water or milk (preferably lukewarm or hot) or to be used as a topping in yoghurt.

In flash action before an exam or at any time of the day, the main thing is not to forget it :)

Take as long as you like.

This treatment can be taken all year round.

Titrated and concentrated assets

Cruelty free

Gluten Free

Active Ingredients


Promotes nervous and physical balance and helps relaxation*


Supports physical and mental performance while promoting good morale*


Contributes to the improvement of vitality and promotes resistance to fatigue*

Its results

Its results


of ORGANIC assets

Our customers talk about it
