Détox Ventre Plat - ANTI-GASPI

Détox Ventre Plat - ANTI-GASPI

Digestion & Elimination

53,04€ 66,30€


Bottle 20% de remise immédiate !

  • Three months

Payment in 2 or 3 times without fees from 50€.


  • Dosage

Réduit les inconforts

Reduces waist circumference

Cleanses digestive organs

Rich in probiotics

La formule la plus complète du marché avec de la phytothérapie, de l'argile beige, du charbon actif et des probiotiques pour réduire durablement les inconforts digestifs, réguler le transit, nettoyer et protéger les intestins.

Attention, en commandant ce produit, vous recevrez un produit dont la DDM est inférieure à 12 mois : 30/04/2025*

Discover also our to take with you wherever you go!

2 capsules a day.

Take one capsule in the morning, during breakfast so that you're not starting off the day on an empty stomach.

For optimal effects, it is recommended to follow this cure 3 months in a row.

It is advisable to repeat the treatment once or twice a year.

Titrated and concentrated assets

Cruelty free

Gluten Free

Active Ingredients


Favorise la détoxification, la santé du tube digestif et l'élimination rénale¹


Supports the liver, biliary and digestive functions Contributes to digestive comfort

Beige clay

Helps abdominal deflation, has very effective absorbing properties against intestinal disorders.


Riche en fibres, il favorise l'élimination et la perte de poids. Il contribue à un transit intestinal régulier et maintient un confort digestif optimal.¹

Vegetable coal

Relieves digestive disorders, powerful absorbent power

Lactic ferments mix

Participates in the rebalancing of the microbiota

Its results

Its results


report abdominal deflation


observe a decrease in love handles


observe a refinement of their waist and hips.



Satisfaction test carried out in self-evaluation by 56 testers having completed a cure of at least one month - DLAB QDC0420

Our customers talk about it
