How to better support our body before and after stopping the pill

how to better accompany our body before and after

Stopping the pill is often badly experienced because it upsets your entire hormonal system which has been put on hold for a certain period. Your body must therefore readapt and learn to function on its own.

During this period and during the following 3 years, certain symptoms may appear and impact your well-being:

premenstrual pain, irregular cycles, acne breakouts, headaches, mood disorders...etc.

These symptoms that appear following the cessation of synthetic hormones are the means of expression that your body uses to show that it needs help!

To prepare your body for stopping the pill or rebalancing it after stopping contraception for less than 3 years, you must adapt your lifestyle, i.e. adjust all of your choices and your daily practices that impact your health and well-being.

The pill, how does it work?

The pills release synthetic hormones that resemble the ones your body naturally makes. These hormones will disrupt or even block your natural menstrual cycle.

There are two types of pills. So-called "combined" or estrogen-progestogen pills and progestin-only pills that contain only a progestogen.

Combination or estrogen-progestogen pills contain two hormones: an estrogen and a progestogen. By providing a constant dose of synthetic hormones, natural menstrual cycles fall asleep.

This type of contraception has 3 mechanisms of action:

  • Blockage of ovulation in the ovaries:

The combination pills aim to reduce the concentration in the blood of the two hormones responsible for ovulation and produced in the pituitary gland: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)

  • Block the road to spermatozoa:

The progestogen will thicken the cervical mucus at the cervix to make it impenetrable to sperm.

  • Make nesting impossible:

The combined pill also acts on the uterine lining, preventing the possible implantation of an embryo.

Progestogen pills are only made up of a progestogen hormone. These pills act on the thickness of the mucus in the cervix and, for some of them only, block ovulation. They are intended, for example, for women in whom taking estrogen is contraindicated.

How does the pill work?

What happens to the body when you stop the pill?

If you are thinking of stopping the pill or if you have already stopped it, you should know that this is the beginning of a process, which can last 3 years. After all, going off the pill is a huge change for your hormonal balance. Your body needs some time to get used to the change in hormone production.

Stopping the pill will allow a return to the natural production of estrogen and progesterone. But beware of the rebound effect: if these hormones are produced in excess, you may see a number of symptoms appear:

  • Irregular periods:

In some women, this return to nature can take several months and modify the menstrual cycles which then become irregular.

  • Premenstrual syndrome:

After stopping the pill, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome may appear:

  • Bloating
  • Water retention
  • Breast tension before period
  • Abdominal pain
  • Irritability
  • Nausea and vomiting

Bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia) and white discharge are also possible in the months that follow.

  • The change in libido:

The pill contains hormones that lower androgen levels, including testosterone, the desire hormone. When a woman finds spontaneous cycles, her body is better prepared for sexual relations. Without the pill, the libido is boosted, especially during the ovulatory period.

  • The return of acne:

When you take the pill, you artificially block the secretion of testosterone, which improves the condition of acne and the skin. This is why when you stop the pill, the skin returns to its natural state. If you had a tendency to have acne or slightly oily skin before taking the pill, you should therefore expect to see a few pimples reappear after stopping the pill.

  • The overworked liver:

When you've been on the pill for a long time, one of the biggest casualties is...your liver! In the body, the liver helps to filter, neutralize and eliminate toxins and synthetic molecules of which the hormones of the pill are part. All the toxins in the pill will overload the liver. It is the organ most affected with the years of taking the pill.

When you stop the pill, your hormonal system is out of balance and your liver is overworked! It is therefore important to support the liver gently to accompany it in its work.

  • Other effects:

Several symptoms may appear when you stop the pill, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes spaced out over time. These symptoms are not systematic and do not affect all women.

When stopping, the drop in hormone levels can also cause headaches, weight gain or hair loss. The quality of your hair can also be impacted for a few months. Often, the production of sebum increases due to the hormonal whirlwind, and the hair is oilier. Usually, the change in the scalp lasts no more than three months.

What happens to the body when you stop the pill?

How to minimize side effects through diet?

Stopping the pill is a key moment during which your body will have special needs to regain its balance.

Here are our tips for minimizing side effects:

  • Give your body all the necessary nutrients. When you stop taking the pill, your body needs significant resources to regain its hormonal balance. It is important to eat enough, in a varied and structured way (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) to provide all the elements that the body needs on a daily basis. Fill up on good fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduce the toxic load as much as possible: avoid consuming industrial and processed products (prepared meals, cold cuts, etc.), food additives, and all foods rich in sugars and processed fatty acids.
  • Take care of your liver, which is responsible for neutralizing spent estrogen. Your liver likes vegetables rich in chlorophyll (dark green in color), and sulfur (cabbage, broccoli). These foods participate in cell regeneration and help eliminate toxins and limit hormonal excesses. You can also help your liver with the appropriate plants: milk thistle, artichoke, black radish, or dandelion... Drinking plenty of water will also allow the liver and the entire waste elimination system to properly eliminate the toxins.
  • Promote your intestinal transit: Constipation is the number one enemy of your feminine balance. You can take a course of probiotics for three months to restore your intestinal balance and renew twice a year, according to your needs.

holistic dietary supplements

Composed of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and plant extracts, food supplements are a natural and effective way to rebalance the body after stopping the pill. They act directly at the heart of cells and provide the micronutrients needed to alleviate post-pill symptoms.

To allow women to live with peace of mind when stopping their hormonal contraception, or for those who have already stopped it, D-LAB has developed the Post-Pill Detox, imagined in collaboration with Amal Tahir, coach, writer, specialist in sexuality positive. A 100% vegan formula that supports the female hormonal system as well as the emunctory organs involved in the detoxification process, to prepare the body for stopping the pill but also to support women who have already stopped the pill in the last 3 years. and thus avoid related symptoms.

1 - Restores hormonal balance

The Post-Pill Detox restores the hormonal balance in order to relieve the symptoms associated with stopping the pill: premenstrual pain, irregular cycles, headaches, mood disorders, etc.

  • Vitamin B6 regulates hormonal activity by allowing the maintenance of normal levels of estrogen and progesterone. It acts on symptoms such as anxiety, irritability and premenstrual nervous tension.
  • Evening primrose oil, composed of gamma-linolenic and linoleic acids, helps regulate the hormonal system, maintain optimum comfort during menstruation and helps fight menstrual pain and hot flashes.
  • Rose centifolia supports the function of the sexual organs and helps maintain a comfortable menstrual cycle. It helps to alleviate premenstrual syndrome, cramps and bad mood.

2 - Preserves the health of the skin

The Post-Pill Detox contains herbal medicine, vitamins and minerals essential for good skin health to avoid these common skin problems and post-pill skin sensitivity.

  • Zinc is an essential trace element for the skin and beneficial in reducing blemishes. It regulates the production of sebum and thus avoids clogging the pores and allows the skin to breathe. Zinc also promotes the regeneration of skin cells and fights the effects of cell aging.
  • Lodhra has effective astringent properties against acne. It helps maintain healthy skin and improves complexion.

3 - Detoxifies the body

The Post-Pill Detox protects and supports liver health to promote elimination and purification from the body.

  • Milk Thistle contains silymarin, an ultra-effective hepatoprotective active ingredient. It purifies the body in depth, eliminates the toxins present in the liver and promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Burdock is a depurative plant known to promote the elimination of toxins and the purification of the blood.

holistic dietary supplements

What are the other methods of contraception?

If the contraceptive pill remains the most widely used method of contraception in France, it is far from being the only one. Today, more and more women decide to switch to contraception without hormones.

If you are tired of taking the pill every day or are having trouble with its side effects, contraception without hormones may be a solution.

  • The preservative

The male condom is one of the most widely used methods of contraception without hormones. Made of latex or polyurethane, it not only prevents sperm from passing through, but it is also the only way to avoid the transmission of STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

There are also female condoms to place in the vagina before intercourse. It is fitted with a ring at each end of the condom to hold it in place and prevent it from being caught in the vagina.

Efficiency rate in perfect use: 98% - In typical use: 85

  • The IUD or intrauterine device without hormones

The IUD (intrauterine device) is the most commonly recommended form of contraception without hormones. It is also a very reliable contraceptive that you can wear for 5 to 10 years.

How it works ? The IUD is made of a thin copper wire that releases copper ions. These ions cause an inflammatory response in the walls of the uterus (endometrium) which creates an inhospitable environment for sperm and prevents the egg from attaching, even if it is fertilized.

However, this method of contraception causes some undesirable effects in some women such as heavier periods and pain.

Efficiency rate in perfect use: 99.4% - In typical use: 99.2%

  • Diaphragm and cervical cap

Diaphragms and cervical caps are non-hormonal contraceptives for women that are used with spermicides at the time of sexual intercourse.

This is a latex or silicone membrane that you have to place yourself in the vagina near the cervix just before intercourse. These devices thus block the passage of sperm. They must remain in place for at least 6 hours after intercourse

They are used only during intercourse and must be removed afterwards, at least 6 to 8 hours after intercourse.

Both of these devices are available by prescription only. You must first seek the advice of your gynecologist or midwife before using it.

Efficiency rate in perfect use: 84% - In typical use: 83%

  • Cycle Observation Methods (MOC)

MOCs require monitoring fertility indicators (such as cervical mucus, temperature variations or the position of the cervix) and using additional protection during fertile days.

This method of natural contraception is called "symptothermie": it mainly combines two fertility indices:

1 - Observation of the cervical mucus:

As ovulation approaches, the cervical mucus becomes more abundant, more fluid and more stringy. At the time of ovulation, the mucus takes on the consistency of egg white.

On the other hand, during non-fertile days, the cervical mucus is generally drier and less easy to observe.

2 - Temperature observation

After ovulation, body temperature rises. It can easily be measured in the morning using a thermometer.

By taking daily fertility indices and plotting them in a graph called a "cyclogram", you will be able to define your fertility window for the current cycle.

During your fertile window, you have two options:

  • You can protect yourself with mechanical contraception (condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, etc.). The failure rate is then 1.8%.
  • You can choose abstinence or non-penetrative sex with your partner. Here the failure rate will then be around 0.5%.