Oily hair, which food supplement to choose?

Découvrez tous nos conseils pour vaincre les cheveux gras. À travers cet article, nous vous expliquerons pourquoi vos cheveux regraissent si rapidement et quelle routine de soins adopter pour limiter l’effet des cheveux gras. Puis nous étudierons le rôle de l’alimentation sur les cheveux gras. Enfin, nous vous présenterons les meilleurs compléments alimentaires cheveux à prendre si vous avez les cheveux gras afin de traiter ce problème de l’intérieur.

dietary supplement for oily hair

Why does hair become greasy?

There are several possible causes of oily hair. Among them are excess sebum, hormonal imbalance, stress, an overly oily diet or unsuitable hair products.

La première cause d’un cuir chevelu gras est une production excessive de sébum par les glandes sébacées. En effet, le sébum agit comme un film hydrolipidique qui protège le cheveu des agressions extérieures et d’une éventuelle déshydratation.

Une quantité excessive de sébum engorge les follicules pileux et bloque la circulation sanguine à la surface du cuir chevelu. 

Lorsque le sébum est libéré en trop grande quantité, la surface du cuir chevelu devient alors plus grasse. Il faut réguler cette sécrétion grâce à des actifs séborégulateurs comme l’ortie par exemple. On retrouve cet actif dans notre Complexe Peau Nette.

Un déséquilibre hormonal peut également être la cause de cheveux gras. Durant certaines périodes de la vie, comme la puberté, la ménopause ou andropause (ménopause masculine), le système hormonal est mis à rude épreuve, notre corps peine alors à traiter les stéroïdes utilisés comme d’hormones.

Le stress est également l’une principale cause d’un cuir chevelu gras, le stress force l’organisme a fonctionné à plein régime. Il produit donc plus de déchets endogènes ce qui peut expliquer que vos cheveux regraissent plus vite lors d’une période de stress intense.

Une alimentation trop riche est l’une des sources les plus importantes pouvant causer des cheveux gras. En effet, une alimentation industrielle est très souvent trop riche, trop sucrée et trop grasse. Nous reviendrons plus bas sur comment adapter son alimentation pour vaincre les cheveux gras.

Pour terminer, l’utilisation d’une routine capillaire inadaptée à son type de cheveux peut être la cause de cheveux regraissent plus facilement. Un lavage trop fréquent, l’utilisation répétitive d’appareils chauffant ne vont faire qu'aggraver le phénomène de cheveux gras  

A diet to reduce excessive sebum production

Fruits and green vegetables with legumes

Afin de limiter l’excès de sébum dans vos cheveux, vous pouvez effectuer quelques modifications de vos habitudes alimentaires. 

En évitant les aliments trop gras et trop sucrés, vous allez agir sur le rééquilibrage de la production de sébum.

Nous vous conseillons également d’inclure des aliments riches en vitamine B5 (légumineuses) mais également en vitamine B-6 qui sont reconnus pour lutter contre les cheveux gras.

Nous vous recommandons également de consommer des aliments riches qui riches en Zinc comme les oléagineux : noix de cajou, noix de pécan, amandes et graines de sésame. 

In summary, a balanced diet is the key to limiting the overproduction of sebum on the scalp

Si les changements du régime alimentaire permettent de réduire la production excessive de sébum, il est également possible d'utiliser des feed supplements pour aider à traiter ce problème.

What supplements for oily hair?

First, it is important to understand what processed foods are. Processed foods are foods that have beenaltered from their natural state to extend their shelf life or improve their taste and texture. They can be found on supermarket shelves in the form of snacks, prepared meals, soft drinks and many other products.

Numerous studies have shown that processed foods can have a negative impact on your health. They often contain food additives such as artificial colors, preservatives and flavors, as well as high amounts of salt, sugar and fat. Excessive consumption of processed foods can contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

With regard to the hair fallthere is evidence to suggest that processed foods can play a role in the. Processed foods can have an impact on hormone levels in the body, which can contribute to hair loss. Hormones such as testosterone and DHT (dihydrotestosterone) are known to play a role in hair loss in men and women.

Processed foods can also cause imbalances in the intestinal microbiota. The gut microbiome is a collection of microorganisms that inhabit our gut and play an important role in digestion, nutrient absorption and the immune system. Studies have shown that imbalances in the gut microbiota can affect hair health. Our Pure Probioflora is a cure that combines 5 highly concentrated strains of lactic ferments designed to rebalance the intestinal microbiota 

In addition, processed foods can also be deficient in nutrients essential for hair health, such as vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin B12 are all important for hair health. Minerals such as iron Zinc and selenium are also important for hair health. Essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are necessary to maintain the health of the scalp and hair follicles.

It is strongly recommended to read the labels of processed foods to determine their nutritional content and avoid foods that are high in food additives,

Note that not all processed foods are bad for you. Some processed foods can be healthy and nutritious, such as frozen vegetables, dried fruit and whole grains.

  • When it is a question of hormonal problems, it is necessary to go further by rebalancing the entire neuro-hormonal system in order to regulate the production of sebum. This rebalancing is ensured by our Balance Activatorwhich contains active precursors of serotonin, melanin and many other beneficial factors. You can find this formula with our Keratin Absolute, and our Detox Microcirculation in the Capillary Mass Program. Our favorite, Detox MicrocirculationThis product deeply cleanses the micro blood capillaries of the scalp.

  • Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are considered beneficial to hair health. Omega-3s can help strengthen hair by improving cuticle quality, increasing shine and reducing breakage.

They are also important for scalp health, they can help reduce inflammation and irritation, which can help prevent dandruff and itching problems.

D-LAB food supplements mass-capillary program

There are different sources of omega-3These include fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.), flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, vegetable oils (such as flaxseed, hempseed or cashew oil), and seaweed. It is important to eat a balanced diet to get enough omega-3, but if you have difficulty consuming enough omega-3 rich foods due to a vegan diet, you may also consider taking a dietary supplement such as our Pure Omega-3 composed with a vegetable and innovating formula which brings a high dose of omega-3 resulting from microalgae which will act to soften deeply fabrics and protect the skin from all the external aggressions which it meets. Only one capsule per day is enough to provide you with 100% of the daily requirements necessary to meet the needs of your body.

  • Keratin is an important protein that makes up hair and nails. It gives hair its strength, elasticity and resistance to damage. Keratin treatments can help strengthen hair, smooth it and protect it from damage caused by environmental factors.

Our Pure Keratin particularly bioavailable and proven by a clinical study reaches the bulb in high doses and acts in depth on the reduction of hair loss, mass, shine and shine of the hair and on the structure of the hair fibre.

Afin de renforcer l'effet de vos food supplements hair nous vous recommandons également d'adopter une routine de soins adaptée à votre chevelure comme celle que nous vous décrivons ci-dessous, pour maintenir la santé de vos cheveux ainsi que celle de votre cuir chevelu.

An adapted care routine to reinforce the effect of my food supplements

Hairstyling and natural hair care products

A care routine that is not adapted to your hair type can reinforce the oily hair effect. For a specific routine for oily hair, we advise you not to use products that are too rich and harmful to oily hair. The frequency with which you wash your hair should also be taken into account. Avoid washing your hair every day, as this will stress your scalp, which will then produce more sebum to defend itself.

When shampooing, gently massage your scalp to removeexcess oil. You can continue to apply a moisturizing mask to your lengths, but be sure to avoid applying it to your roots.

When it comes to styling your hair, styling appliances such as hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons can make oily hair problems worse. It is also important to remember that frequent use of these appliances can cause thermal damage to the hair. It is therefore recommended that you protect your hair before using them by using a heat protector. This is because heat can stimulate sebum production, which can lead to oilier hair. It is therefore important to limit the use of these devices and use them at moderate temperatures to avoid drying out or damaging your hair.It is best to air dry your hair rather than blow drying it, and avoid styling it too often to avoid stimulating sebum production. Use a serum or light hair oil to nourish your hair, avoiding the roots. Also, avoid frequent styling and use lightweight styling products to avoid weighing hair down.

Often forgotten, it is also important to maintain proper hygiene for your hairbrush to prevent the spread of bacteria and dandruff. Remember to clean your hairbrush regularly by removing hair and debris with a wide-tooth comb or small toothbrush. We also recommend that you wash your hairbrush with warm water and a little mild soap, then rinse and air dry.