White hair: what if it's stress?

We're all familiar with the expression "goinggray", used to emphasize major stress. 

Stress has long been the cause of many more or less unpleasant symptoms. Grey hair is one of them, although genetics have a lot to do with it. 

Découvrons les solutions et traitements cheveux naturels.

gray hair stress

A natural phenomenon

Hair whitening, also known as canitis, is a natural and unavoidable phenomenon. The older we get, the more our hair loses color.

The color of our hair, skin, body hair and eyes is linked to the presence of melanin

Melanocytes, the stem cells responsible for hair pigment, abandon their cavity near the base of the hair follicle, leaving the hair without a source of pigment. Hair then turns white. 

It's very rare for melanocytes to regenerate once the first white hair has appeared, and there's no process to stop this phenomenon. 

As for gray hair, it doesn't exist. The illusion of gray hair comes from a mixture of colored and white hair.


Some people may experience gray hair early, at age 20, while others will be spared until age 60, it's all a matter of genetics. If your family members have premature white hair, it is very likely that you do too.  

extrinsic factors also come into play in the hair-whitening process. In fact, some vitamin deficiencies  tobacco, fatty acids that preserve the hydrolipidic film hormonal imbalancescertain illnesses can be responsible for gray hair.

White hair and stress

Stress or traumatic shock can accelerate the appearance of white hair. 

A study published in Nature by researchers on mice has shown that stress damages the stem cells responsible for hair pigmentation, and is therefore one of the factors responsible for gray hair.


In fact, these cells are present in a limited stock and if they are repeatedly activated by stress, the stock will quickly be exhausted, causing irreversible hair whitening.

How to prevent grey hair?

1- Deficiencies and gray hair

What is in our food can prevent the appearance of white hair! In fact, thefood plays an important role if one wishes to delay this phenomenon.


In order to limit oxidative stress, which is partly responsible for premature hair ageing, we need to make up for any deficiencies. Hair is made up of keratin, a protein. Regular consumption of proteins such as eggs and fish is an excellent source.

What's more, essential fatty acids, B vitamins and zinc are indispensable for maintaining healthy hair.

Omega-3s are reputed to promote hair fiber pigmentation. They are found in avocados, oily fish and oilseeds.

gray hair stress

2- Hair supplement

If the diet does not provide sufficient intake, a supplementation in food supplements is necessary to make up for any deficiencies.

At D-LABWe offer a range of food supplements formulated with plant extracts, vitamins and minerals, made in France.


We recommend thePure Melanin which is an innovative complex, it will darken the hair color by gradually repigmenting white hair

It regenerates the hair bulb, promoting hair growth and slowing hair loss.

gray hair stress

In addition, we also offer thePure Keratin that will provide a high dose of patented keratin so that your skin can bring the most demanding hair back to life.

Pure Omega-3 will bring a high dose of omega-3 essential to the health of the hair fiber.

To reduce stress, D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS recommends the use of Mental Charge Program which offers a comprehensive response to situations of intense stress and overwork. This Program combines 37 active ingredients renowned for stimulating and soothing the nervous, hormonal and immune systems.

3- Natural solutions against grey hair

To slow down the premature appearance of gray hair, there are a number of steps you can take natural solutions for gray hair.


Amla oil


Amla oil is known for its many hair benefits! Rich in vitamins A and C and in antioxidants, it has strengthening and protective properties. In addition to slowing down grey hair, it strengthens and protects the hair fiber and promotes hair growth.

It can be used as an oil bath, leaving it on our hair for at least an hour! It can also be used as a daily moisturizer on our lengths.




The onion is composed in great majority of sulfur, it is ideal to treat white hair, because it stimulates the bulb and the regeneration of collagen, it improves the blood circulation and stimulates the hair follicles.

Simply grate a large onion and collect its juice then rub it on the scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. To rid your hair of the smell, shampoo your hair thoroughly and rinse normally. You can repeat this ritual three times a week for good results.


The coffee


The antioxidants it contains and its natural pigments make it one of the most effective foods against the appearance of white hair! Apply two cups of coffee to your scalp and leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse. Again, you can repeat this ritual three times a week.

4- How to hide the first grey hairs?



When the first white hairs appear, dyes are the first solution to camouflage them. The ideal is to use vegetable-based or ammonia-free dyes to take care of the hair fibre and scalp and not to damage it too much.  


Hair sprays


Hair coloring sprays are the quickest and easiest way to cover up white hair, without going through the coloring process! Indeed, they act as a "touch up" action and cover temporarily the white of the hair. They fade with each shampoo.