White hair in young people, a fatality?

White hair in young people, a fatality?

Young smiling woman with beautiful hair

Have you ever heard it: "I'm afraid of looking too old, my temples are graying! Aging does not spoil me." ? The appearance of the first gray hairs, otherwise known as canities is not necessarily linked to advancing age. We have the impression that canities appear earlier each year, that our teenagers are already graying.

What is the cause?

The element responsible for hair color is melanin. A color pigment produced by certain cells: melanocytes. It is therefore a slowdown in the activity of the latter which causes a drop in melanin production and therefore a hair which becomes gray or even white.

This decrease can be explained by several factors: stress, genetics and heredity, external pollution, hormonal imbalance, melanin deficiency, smoking or even the use of unsuitable and aggressive care products for the scalp.

Salt-and-pepper hair, sexy to some, like Clooney, is undesirable to others, especially young people. The appearance of this gray hair is also an opportunity to change hair color. It is always possible to camouflage it by going to a hairdressing salon to color or highlight. However, over time and repeated bleaching, chemicals like hydrogen peroxide make hair brittle. You have to take care of your hair and even the natural tone-on-tone colors make the hair dry, especially on the lengths. (Some apply henna on their hair, why not!)

It is not a fatality. Do not hesitate to strengthen your hair with keratin, a natural constituent of hair. Dietary supplements based on pure keratin are very effective. This will also strengthen your natural pigments for beautiful darker hair.

If despite your young age, you are comfortable with the beauty of lightened hair, we advise you to bet on chamomile which revives the white of the hair.

The benefits of melanin:

Do you know this pigment? Have you heard of the benefits of melanin ? Melanin slows down the hair bleaching process and prevents the appearance of new white hair.

Links between white hair and stress:

Diagram different stages of capillary depigmentation

We all know it, stress is our worst enemy, it causes a lot of damage to our body.

Stress attacks our stem cells and regrowth gives way to white hair or even yellowing or whitening of the mane. We wonder if everything will fade or if the stress will even lead us to baldness. Our hair becomes brittle and for the little, we sometimes just want to hide the hair from the eyes of others! To fight against the oxidation of free radicals, why not turn to food supplements? We tell you everything.

Hair food supplements:

Why take hair supplements ?

Topical hair care quickly reaches its limit of action. Their nutrition affects only 20% of the cells in your scalp. To act in depth and reach the remaining 80%, it is necessary to act from the inside, by providing the right dose of active ingredients and micronutrients. For a healthy bulb, it needs: sulfur amino acids, group B vitamins and trace elements. These assets are normally present in our diet. Unfortunately, too impoverished today, our diet is no longer sufficient to deploy the full potential of our body.

An additional supply of melanin gradually darkens gray and white hair by repigmenting the hair fiber.

In addition, certain dietary supplements such ashormonal balance activators fight against the stress caused by a lack of sleep or a lack of serotonin. Other more unitary formulas such as magnesium for example, can strengthen our defense stocks against stress and chase away the appearance of canities. Strengthening the fiber with keratin has been shown, according to studies, to be very effective

White hair and deficiencies:

To fight against white hair and deficiencies , the bulb and the melanocytes it contains must function well.

For this, it is necessary to provide the right nutrients to the hair bulb. To weave healthy hair and have beautiful color reflections, the bulb creates keratin. Keratin is created from the following ingredients: sulfur amino acids such as lysine, methionine, cystine; group B vitamins (B5, B8, B9), and trace elements such as zinc, copper and iron. Due to external aggressions (stress, pollution, impoverished diet, oxidative stress, etc.), the quantity of nutrients can be affected, and we find ourselves in a situation of deficiencies. Our bulbs no longer have the right nutrients, they can not create enough keratin and melanin to weave a colored hair fiber.

Some adapt to this new hair color and even get shampoos that give their hair silver highlights to change their hair color and give their short or long haircut a boost.

Can vitiligo affect our melanocytes?

Vitiligo is a depigmentation of the skin that creates white spots. This is explained by the loss of melanocytes The skin then no longer has pigments to be colored. When the disease develops, it affects the hair bulbs and capillaries. This is called leukotrichia . There is therefore an existing link between vitiligo and the appearance of white hair.

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, which is partly genetic. When it is of genetic origin, it can affect young people and it is difficult to fight against. The intake of melanin food supplements can delay the lightening of the hair. During this time and for the future, we can make touch-ups with homemade colorings, accessible for the budget of young people, in order to revive any hair color: black hair, ash or dark blond, chestnuts, or even long red hair . If you choose to dye your hair at hairdressers, don't forget to tell them to keep a natural hair color, firstly to avoid ending up with blue hair or pink coloring (you never know.. ) and then because vitiligo does not affect all of the hair so you have to keep a consistency between the white hair and the rest of your head.

Do not skimp on the care given to the hair: consider applying regenerating masks like those of the Christophe Robin brand for example.

Be careful not to tear your hair out with too aggressive brushing or too strong oxidants. This would accelerate the process of weakening the hair.

Diagram on the comparison of cutaneous and capillary melanogenesis

The different products presented in our article