Pimples on the scalp: causes and solutions

Pimples do not only exist on the face, pimples on the scalp can also be difficult to live with and to hide... It is therefore important to understand their causes in order to find solutions to treat them as naturally as possible!

Woman with beautiful hair thanks to D-LAB food supplements

The different causes

Scalp folliculitis

Folliculitis is the most common infection, it is an inflammation of the hair follicle, which causes the appearance of pimples and is accompanied by itching. It can be more or less painful and scabs can form.

On the scalp, there are many sebaceous glands, so it is common for pimples to appear there. They are often caused when sebum and dead skin cells block the hair follicle.

Scalp acne is often the result of an infection caused by bacteria, fungi or the accumulation of hair products such as shampoos, colorings, styling products (lacquers, gels, ...).

The sport

When you sweat, especially after a workout, the perspiration can dampen the hair and skin, creating an environment conducive to the growth of fungi and bacteria. Indeed, this creates a humid and warm environment which gives way to the proliferation of bacteria responsible for irritation and in particular dandruff.

Additionally, hair products such as gels and sprays can build up on the scalp and irritate sensitive skin.

To prevent scalp irritation during sports, it is recommended to wash your hair after exercise and to choose gentle hair products without potentially irritating ingredients.

What if it was eczema?

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease considered a chronic form of eczema.

It appears and develops on the body in areas where there are many sebaceous glands, such as: the scalp, the space between the eyebrows, or the furrow between the nose and the cheeks.

Genes and hormones would have a role in the appearance of this inflammation. It is a skin disease that is non-contagious and benign. Although chronic, it appears in recurrent outbreaks, it can still disappear on its own.

Its causes are:

  • Stress and fatigue
  • The application of fatty substances
  • Hormonal changes or illnesses
  • Insufficient personal hygiene
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Obesity
  • The pregnancy
  • Certain medications
  • Very cold or humid temperatures

On the scalp of the person affected by an outbreak of seborrheic dermatitis, we will be able to observe červené skvrny , often darker at the edges, an overly dry scalp with dandruff that comes off easily. Itching at the level of these plaques is most often observed, when the scalp is too inflamed , the person may also feel burning sensations.

Woman with brown hair in profile

allergic eczema

Allergic eczema is a disease that affects almost 2% of the population. Allergic eczema on the scalp is a skin condition that is characterized by itching, redness, and rashes on the scalp. This disease is often caused by hair products that have not been supported by the scalp.

This is often the case for hair colors which can cause eczema in some people due to their chemical composition. Ingredients such as parabens, phenoxyethanol, preservatives and bulking agents can irritate sensitive skin and trigger an allergic reaction. which lead to allergic reactions. Small blisters full of fluid appear especially in the ears and neck. An allergological test can then confirm the allergy or not to the product used.


In the most important cases, please consult your doctor or dermatologist who will prescribe a suitable treatment to apply to the skin lesions.

Unclog follicles

First of all, our scalp is very sensitive, if it lacks cleanliness dandruff can appear, so it is important to wash it regularly , making sure to use a shampoo adapted to your hair.

The frequency of washing will depend on your hair type, some will wash their hair daily (you must therefore use a special shampoo for frequent washing and gentle enough not to attack the scalp.), while others will need to wash it only once a week.

Beware of dry shampoo which tends to aggravate the problem. Indeed, even if it saves one or two days on the shampoo, it does not eliminate dead skin, quite the contrary. Used too often, it mixes with dead skin cells and creates an environment conducive to dandruff. Dry shampoo should therefore be used sparingly!

tea tree oil

This oil with rather strong and woody smells, is sanitizing and purifying, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory powers which makes it a great ally to treat oily scalp problems, dandruff, itching and pimples. Applied regularly, it allows the hair to regrease less quickly and cleanse the roots.

You can add 3 to 4 drops of pure tea tree in your usual shampoo when washing or combine it with a vegetable oil, nigella oil or jojoba oil for example which are very beneficial for the hair. greasy and leave the mixture on your hair for several hours.

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Doplňky stravy

Na adrese D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS , we offer a wide range of dietary supplement with clean and patented formulas.

To cleanse the scalp, we recommend:

Detoxikace mikrocirkulace that will purify, re-oxygenate and deeply nourish the scalp. This mineral and vegetable formula promotes the elimination of toxins, stimulates circulation in the micro-vessels and promotes the delivery of essential nutrients to the heart of the bulb.

Keratin Absolute , a real jewel of French green-tech, will bring life back to the most demanding, damaged and tired hair. Powerful anti-hair loss, it will provide a high dose of patented and perfectly assimilable keratin to fill in the gaps and restore structure and increase the volume of the hair.

Zinek absolutní will prevent skin problems and improve the quality of your scalp. It has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It thus helps to fight against scalp problems. Thanks to its contribution in Zinc the scalp becomes stronger and more resistant.